“I didn’t expect Rins, we’ll see what he can do on the Yamaha”

by time news

2023-08-03 20:28:37

The second half of the season starts this weekend at the Silverstone circuit, and Marc Márquez will be one of the stars. The Spaniard arrives practically recovered from his injuriesalthough he is still suffering with his right leg and the rib he broke in Germany.

The eight-time world champion has taken the opportunity to take stock of the entire season, especially the mistakes they have made from the start, admitting that They shouldn’t have started the year thinking they could fight for the title when they knew it was going to be hard.

In the official press conference at Silverstone, the man from Cervera seemed calm ahead of the second half of the season, after recovering psychologically and physically: “The summer break came at the right time, my body was destroyed. I’ve had time to rebuild it, recharge my batteries and I’ve tried to regain the confidence that we didn’t have in the last few races”.

Marc Márquez arrives touched at the Silverstone appointment after his right leg injury, which is still not fully healed, for which he expects to suffer this weekend: “In Assen after the sprint race I decided to stop, the doctors recommended it to me because they thought the rib fracture was smaller and it was already beginning to move. The ankle and right leg is not as it should. At Silverstone we will try to get back to the pace we should be”.

Looking ahead to this weekend, the #93 will have a lot of work with the RC213V, a bike that brings innovations in different areas: “Honda is working very hard. It has been decided that I go out with the same bike as in Assen, then I have improvements in electronics, we have a new aerodynamic package that we are not going to approve at the moment for technical reasons. We have a lot of work ahead of us and I am here to work towards the future”.

The holiday break has been the best moment to evaluate the work done in the first half of the season where, according to the Catalan, they have suffered more than expected for not accepting their problems with the bike and trying to fight for the title from the start: “I have taken advantage of the holidays to think and the focus of the first half of the season was not correct, we focused it thinking about fighting for the title and we are not prepared. We have to work together and we have to face the second half thinking about improving our performance and everything together”.

“It’s hard to say, European brands are a bit more aggressive”commented Márquez, who pointed out that at Honda they have had a big problem with the pandemic by having the factory closed, but that is not enough for him to lose confidence in them: “The pandemic has not helped much because at Honda all the technicians lived in Andorra and there were communication problems. Despite that, they have a historical legacy that places them as the best manufacturers and they have before them the possibility of changing the situation”.

The future of Marc Márquez is already closed and the one from Cervera has admitted that he has had no doubts when it comes to continuing to trust Honda, assuring that he is looking forward to getting on the bike next season in the Misano tests: “De facing next year I have a contract with Repsol Honda. The objective is to continue improving the bike, and in the Misano tests to test the new bike. It is not about waiting for 2024, in MotoGP you have to start working at that precise moment. You have to try to improve in every way to fight for the goal that is the title”.

The 2023 season is being very tough psychologically for Joan Mir’s teammate, who has stated that thanks to his personal environment he remains optimistic and eager to continue improving on the bike: “I am in the most difficult moment of my career, the injury was physical and very difficult, now it is a mental situation. Professionally, it is difficult, but personally it is the best time, with a good environment and in love, all this helps. I draw motivation from my environment and from my teamthat has followed me in all these years”, explained Marc Márquez.

Read also: Aleix opposes Pressure Control: “The races will be more boring, the limit is absurd”

Finally, the Catalan has been asked for the signing of Álex Rins by Yamaha. In this regard, #93 has commented that “On Tuesday they interviewed me and they asked me about this rumor, because at that time it was still a rumor, and I said that I didn’t think it was going to happen because Rins had won a race with Honda and he himself had said that it was a good bike that could win races. I didn’t expect this signing, and the next day he left… I’m happy for him, I think it’s a good move, because he’s going from a satellite team to a factory team, and to a good team like Yamaha, with a lot of history, We’ll see what he can do on a Yamaha.”

#didnt #expect #Rins #Yamaha

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