“…I don’t need Charles Wright’s head” – Aminata.com News in Guinea and around the world

by time news

2023-11-28 19:40:51

The day after a threat of a walkout linked to the fact that the lawyers of the actors in the September 28 trial were no longer able to have access to their clients due to increased security at the central house, things seem to have calmed down this Tuesday since we contacted Me Paul Yomba Kourouma who believed he was leaving for the court for his priesthood.

Asked whether he is particularly disappointed with Keeper of the Seals Alphonse C. Wright, the lawyer with a particularly strong vocabulary did not mince his words: “We don’t know, but if the president maintained it, he must be the man for his situation, if he has seen everything, heard everything, he has maintained it, it is because he and Charles Wright are in the same aim…Let Charles Wright say that he was not not informed, it’s false, but I apologize but it’s false! »

Then Master Paul Yomba let go, explaining that a lawyer has nothing to do with a minister: “The lawyer does not need a minister, Paul Yomba will never see a minister, well I will see one, I will go to see Charles for a file of a former minister who made cross-sections in this country, I have to see him for Bana Sidibé and I received authorization from the President of the Bar, otherwise I do not need from the head of Charles Wright, I don’t need a minister, how can a minister help me? He can’t even help me? »

Tkillah Tounkara

#dont #Charles #Wrights #Aminata.com #News #Guinea #world

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