“I feel quite attached to l’Escala, as I have part of my family there”

by time news

Lildami i Juliet they kick off the Ítaca festival this Saturday. It will be at holy fight of the Scalethis year with a free double concert at the Riells beachnew stage of the festival, once again, organized by the Girona production company Link Productions i l’town hall. It will be the first presentation concert in Girona counties of Dummy the new album of the singer from Terrasse.

A little over a month ago he made his last album Dummy. How is it being received?

Very good and very happy, although it is true that you have to look at the reception of an album in the long run. But because of the short time it has been published, people have received it with enthusiasm.

And he names him Dummy playing on words.

I wanted to make the wedge because Dummy in English it means silly, innocent… and it’s also the name given to the dolls that go inside the vehicles when they do tests. Also, phonetically it sounds like Damià or Dami I thought was funny.

What is this new job like?

It’s super-vitalistic, super-happy… I think it’s a very good work, maybe more so than the other records I’ve made.

He plays different styles.

I always try to make things that stand out because making a whole rap record is a bit boring for me and I feel the need to make different things, in other styles, more melodic…

This album will be presented for the first time in the Girona regions on April 8 in l’Escala.

With great desire Not only will I release a record there, but also a show: with a new stage, new lights… I’m very happy and I have no doubt that it will be a great concert.

Is he considered a provocateur?

Not much, but what do you mean?

In the networks For example, when he introduced the topic I do not care making his people believe that his Instagram had been hacked…

I would say that I like to play with the algorithms and use all the social networks that are available to make them play in my favor. Standing out on the networks is very complicated and you have to look for ways to attract attention. But I don’t consider myself provocative.

Continuing to talk about I do not care. This song has a verse that says “A sunset and friends on a beach in l’Escala”.

Oysters! I hadn’t thought of it! It came to me that way because I feel quite attached to l’Escala, as I have part of my family there. It will be cool to do this live at l’Escala.

If we jump to the song supermarketwe find that he also presented her playing in the nets with the cereal box.

literal These strategies that make when you launch the topic have more impact.

And so much impact! In 2022 it was the most viewed video clip in Catalan.

supermarket it’s the theme that has worked best for me so far. I don’t know what to do. Do you think how this can go so far? I am very proud of the work done and the result.

How is this popularity living?

It has been staggered and it hasn’t happened overnight. I have been grinding stone for some time.

And this has led him to have a tadgròs in Terrassa and an imitator in the poland by TV3.

I never thought I would have an imitator at poland not even a tadpole in Terrassa, which is an honor like being given the key to the city. What happens is that due to the pace of life I lead, I don’t live it as I should.

We couldn’t finish without talking abouteuphoria. What is the experience of being a jury?

very funny At first I was under pressure because it was something I had never done before. It’s a motivating professional challenge and, despite the fear, I thought: if they’ve told me that, it’s because they trust that I can do it and we’re going to take that trust to work on it.

And it has spectacular audience figures.

That a program in Catalan and music generates these figures is strong. And also, that there are numbers of young people watching euphoria that they hadn’t seen each other in a Catalan television program for a long time.

How do you see this second edition?

Really good! We don’t have a lot of galas, but the kids are very talented and very good.

And this year you have the surprise envelopes.

I don’t know what’s in the envelopes and suddenly we find it and it changes everything. This gives it a touch of excitement of not knowing what happens at each gala.

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