«I have tried not to seek perfection, but to surrender and forget everything»

by time news

2023-06-17 23:59:30

The traditional Charity Runchaired by King Felipe VI, who was accompanied in the royal box Isabel Diaz Ayusopresident of the Community of Madrid, and the bullfighter Luis Francisco Espla. They announced on the poster Sebastián Castella, winner of the San Isidro fair and who reappeared in this bullfight, Emilio de Justoin his fourth appearance, and Fernando Adrián, who opened the front door his previous afternoon at the Monumental in Ventana, before bulls led by Daniel Ruiz, Juan Pedro Domecq and Victoriano del Río.

castile offered the first bull of the afternoon to the King with these words: «Your Majesty, it is a pleasure for me to offer the slaughter of this bull, both to you and to the entire Royal House. Thank you very much for your support.” In that bull, by Daniel Ruiz, he suffered a somersault with the cape, and he seemed sore when entering the alley, since he still bears the stitches from the goring he suffered his previous afternoon in this bullfight. In the microphones of Mundotoro TV he said that he was fine. «The bull has allowed me to express myself, but the wind has bothered me to be able to fight more slowly and more with the flights, because it did not allow me to fully tolerate more with my fingertips. But even so I have been able to enjoy a lot and I think the people too. The bull has had a great class, and I am sorry for not having been able to kill him like the second, the first ». About the room, in which he took a turn around the ring, about Juan Pedro, he said that «the bull physically demanded, but also technically, because he never gave away a charge without an effort behind. I have been able to fight it slowly at times. You had to lose a lot of steps because otherwise the bull would go crazy because he piled up. But has transmitted, has had certain qualities, although also defects, but an important bull. It’s a pity not to have cut off the ear, but I think that she has seen it all over the world, she has asked for it and I have risked my life killing him. I really threw myself, and a shame about the spill, but the sword was in the place ».

Emilio de Justo also offered his first opponent to Felipe VI: «Your Majesty, it is a pleasure that you are presiding over this great Charity Run. He always honors us with his presence. It goes for you, for bullfighting and for Spain». This bull, by Juan Pedro Domecq “didn’t have a bad air, but it lacked endings and he loosened his little face a little bit defending himself. He had to put the crutch not very ‘in front’: delay it to take advantage of that half trip that he had. I have tried to do it with the left hand one by one, because I think that if he kept it on he would protest more. It’s very windy, like every afternoon. It has been a fair in which the air bothered a lotbut it’s no excuse you have to be and solve», explained the man from Extremadura.

“Your Majesty, many thanks to you and all your ancestors for supporting and defend bullfighting above all. Long live Spain. It’s for you,” he offered. Fernando Adrian Don Felipe. His first bull was Daniel Ruiz’s, and he also gave him a volley: «I’m fine. It is a pity because he thought that the bull had that class and that background that makes him fight slowly and as I want, but he has come too far down, and I have not been able to be as I wanted to have curdled the bull ». However, this changed in the sixth, of Juan Pedro, whom he decapitated, opening his second large door. Excited, he recounted from the van that those moments «They are wonderful things that only bullfighters can explain. I think this square is unique, it is wonderful. Right now I don’t know how to talk about the job, the only thing I can say is that I have abandoned myself for many moments, not to say 100%. I have tried not to look for perfection, or hooks or fighting well. I have tried to surrender, forget everything and enjoy. The olés of this square and the feeling I had today I think they are very difficult, because I am aware that it is very difficult. But I believe that this profession, when one lives by and for it and delivered, it is so wonderful and so pure that gives you these moments. Nobody knows what I’ve been fighting for, sacrificing myself every day of my life for this profession, without knowing what was going to happen, but what I did know is that I was happy doing what I did. I know where I am, and I know that this has only been another step on that great mountain that I want to continue climbing in this profession.

Juan Pedro Domecq also shared his impressions: «I am happy. I believe that the three bulls (third, fourth and sixth) have had something. this bull (sixth) with an exceptional classland Fernando Adrián has been at a very, very high level, with eternal naturals. A bull that when he charges like this it is very difficult to fight him well and he has been up to the task. I am very happy with my stay in Madrid, with bulls very well presented, all with ramming, with something. Some have lasted longer and others less, some with more power and others less, but I think that to be very happy. The previous run was blown away by the wind, but today we have had a peaceful afternoon with a young bullfighter who wants to be a bullfighting figurewith a Castella saying ‘here I want to be’, and Emilio de Justo, to whom you have to have tremendous respect for everything he has given to Madrid. Now to continue working so that in this bullring we see many bulls like this.”

By his side was daniel ruiz: «The first bull has been very good, although it has opened late and perhaps it has conditioned a little. But I think he has been a very good job for Castella. We liked that bull a lotand after taking so long without dealing in Madrid, introducing yourself on a day like today and casting a tone like that leaves you quite satisfied. The third one has not been worth anything. I don’t think he was in a bad condition, but for Madrid it’s not worth it. And it has been seen very fair presentation in the square. They should not have approved it, but also two or three category bulls were left inside that people also have to know. Two or three bulls with an impeccable presentation, and they have gone to approve one that in the bullring was not a bull from Madrid. What we have experienced since my father left is being very hard, but he has thrown out a class bull from Madrid today ».

#seek #perfection #surrender #forget

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