I.S.R.: “Continuation of the mobilizations of the laboratory docs of the I.S.R.” – 2024-05-18 17:47:18

by times news cr

2024-05-18 17:47:18

On Friday 17/5/2024, a Pan-Hellenic On-line Assembly of self-employed Laboratory Medical doctors was held, wherein greater than 800 docs participated and it was determined to proceed the abstention from their work, radiologists and microbiologists, for one more week (from 20 – 24 Could 2024 ).

On Saturday, Could 18 at 11:00 a.m. the Board of Administrators held a unprecedented assembly. of the Medical Affiliation of Rhodes within the presence of all laboratory docs, the place it was unanimously determined to proceed the mobilizations till the assembly with the Prime Minister.

Sadly, the requests of the laboratory docs to cut back the clawback and all of the unaffordable measures that create synthetic money owed of their clinics, weren’t accepted, with the consequence that there is no such thing as a different possibility than to proceed the mobilizations.

Because the Medical Affiliation of Rhodes, we ask for the understanding of our fellow residents for the struggling and disruption, nonetheless we want their help for the simply calls for of our battle.

Yours sincerely,

For I.S.R.

The President The Basic Secretary

Ilias I. Tserkis Michael N. Volonakis

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