I think I lacked a little “sports” luck. Martin Berberyan – 2024-07-30 20:07:48

by times news cr

2024-07-30 20:07:48

The mood in the Aysor.am living room is sporty. Martin Berberyan, an Armenian freestyle wrestler living in the United States of America and engaged in a coaching career, multiple champion of Armenia, champion of Europe in 2004, prize winner of the World Championship in 2005, master of sports of international class of Armenia, is currently in Armenia. A young and promising athlete was prevented from achieving his goal years ago by an injury. But that didn’t get him down. First love, happy family, coaching job. This was his Olympic victory.

– Why did you suddenly decide to end your sports career, especially since you had achieved quite a lot of success and everything was still ahead?

– Let me say that I finished my sports career in 2012. Until 2008, I participated as part of Armenia. After the Olympic Games, I took part in the American clubs and also in their championships. After the victory, I had a knee injury that required surgery in order to be able to participate in the finals two months later, during which it would be decided who would go to the 2012 Olympics. However, I have little time after the operation, I did not manage to fully recover and as a result lost to their champion in the 1/8 finals. He went to the Olympic Games and took the prized 3rd place. I should say that 3-4 months before that I won the international competition, but I had another knee surgery. I was 32 years old and I thought it was time to end my sports career…

– After becoming European champion, didn’t you want to win the world champion title?

– Of course, I wanted to win not only the title of the world champion, but also the Olympic champion. But, unfortunately, I only became a world bronze medalist… You know, I think I lacked a bit of “sports” luck. According to me, all athletes have “sports luck”, one is given a little more, the other a little less.

I think I lacked a little “sports” luck.  Martin Berberyan
– 2024-07-30 20:07:48

– Martin, in your opinion, what is the reason why freestyle wrestling in Armenia is weaker than Greco-Roman style wrestling?

– Let me say that in our time freestyle and Greco-Roman were in almost the same situation. one year we might bring a lot of medals, another year they might. There has been a generational change now, there are more young people in freestyle.

– When you watch from outside, do you notice many shortcomings in the world of Armenian sports?

– There are disadvantages that come from being young. But, I think, soon everything will be fixed, will fall into place.

– How long have you been living in the United States of America? What do you do there?

– I have been living in America for about 9 years, I am engaged in coaching. I am very happy to work in my profession.

– It is interesting, how and why did the idea of ​​leaving arise? Were you dissatisfied with your homeland? Do you have relatives here?

– No, I had no dissatisfaction with the homeland… As for my relatives, my mother lives in Armenia, my brother lives with his family.

– Can you visit each other?

– Yes, I am glad that they are able to come to me. I miss both them and my homeland. But let me say that I usually visit Armenia every year in the summer. I have been here for two months now, and I will stay for another month.

– If I’m not mistaken, you got married. Is your wife Armenian?

– Yes, I got married. Of course, she is Armenian, moreover, I know her when she was only 13 years old. We lived in the same yard…

– Many people say that you tied your life with the daughter of a very influential and rich person. Is it reality or just another rumor?

– No, it’s a rumor. I married a girl from an Armenian family. Similar rumors were spread years ago, but I will repeat it again and say: I married the girl I love.

– It can be concluded that he was your first love.

– Yes, you guessed right (smiles).


– He works half the day, then deals with children.

– Will you tell me about the children?

– I have two wonderful girls. the eldest is 8 years old, the little one is 3.

– In fact, you are raising your children away from Armenian culture and customs. Aren’t you afraid that they can completely leave the roots?

– I have no such fear at all, because my daughters are growing up in an Armenian family. My eldest daughter attends an Armenian school, speaks and writes pure Armenian. My little one also knows Armenian. They spend summer vacations in their homeland every year.

– What kind of character are you?

– I am very calm by nature.

– Is it true that sportsmen prefer to stay away from arguments and fights?

– Yes, we try to stay away and play more of a conciliator role.

– Martin, who are your friends there?

– I have many friends, they are mostly wrestlers, athletes.

– Do you still have friends in Armenia?

– How can I not have friends in my homeland? After all, I grew up in Armenia, I “sweated” in sports with my friends for years.

– There is a lot of envy in the world of actors and singers. I wonder if there are still similar feelings in the big world of men – sports?

– I don’t have such a feeling. I don’t know how others felt, but I was always happy when one of our athletes succeeded.

– Do you think you will ever return to your homeland?

– I think I will still live here. I haven’t thought about going back yet.

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