“I thought of killing my father to avenge my mother” – time.news

by time news
from Simona Marchetti

In his biography Me, out on November 9, the 53-year-old actor recalled a dramatic episode from his childhood when he saw Mr. Smith punch his wife in the head. Decades later he was on the verge of making him pay, but stopped in time

At the age of nine he saw his father Willard Carroll Smith Sr. punch his mother Caroline Bright in the head and the blow was so strong that the woman spat blood. At that moment Will Smith vowed to himself that one day he would make him pay for it and years later he was truly one step away from carrying out his revenge and killing his parent. But he stopped in time. “When I was 9 I saw my father punch my mother on the side of the head – wrote the actor, now 53, in his new biography” Me “, of which People magazine published a long excerpt – and it hit her so hard that she collapsed and I saw her spit blood. That precise moment in that bedroom defined who I am more than any other moment in my life. Everything I’ve done since then, all the awards and accolades I’ve won, were my way of apologizing to my mom for not acting that day. For letting her down in that moment. For not standing up to my father. For being a coward. ‘

The episode

All the frustration and guilt of that distant day would then suddenly resurface decades later, as Smith was caring for his elderly father at the end of his life. wife when the son was little more than a teenager). “One night, while I was taking him from his bedroom to the bathroom, evil took possession of me – continued the actor in his book, due out on November 9th -. The path between the two rooms passes at the top of the stairs. As a child I promised myself that one day I would avenge my mother, that when I was old enough and strong enough, when I was no longer a coward, I would kill him. So I stopped at the top of the stairs. I could have knocked it down and got away with it easily. As decades of pain, anger and resentment flowed and then receded, I shook my head and continued to take my father to the bathroom. ‘

November 4, 2021 (change November 4, 2021 | 15:54)

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