I treat every event as a work of art

by time news

It’s hard not to be impressed by 45-year-old Marina Alon from Rehovot. Her presence is strong, with her ten fingers she made her way in the world of artistic productions and content, and has already made a name for herself within the framework of the services she provides for all types of events – from high-quality productions for authorities and institutions to private events with a unique story – round birthdays, retirement parties, silver and gold weddings, events commemoration, memory and more.

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Rinat Alon

Rinat Alon

(Photography: Yonit Shalom)

Alon, who is used to juggling between the demanding business she owns and being a mother to two children, now teenagers, tells how it all started: “It seems to me that more than me I chose this profession – the profession chose me. I have been involved in writing and production since childhood – in the youth movement, at school , the Huey teams and more. While studying at the university, I wrote children’s plays for a living, and later I connected with municipalities, councils and schools. Happily, most of my clients today, including the private ones, almost all came by word of mouth.”

Do you have a family background on the subject?

“Many of my family members have a well-developed talent for writing and some of them do it for a living, like me. My parents always won hands-down on the family productions, so from a young age I was given a successful example of managing events.”

In the last decade, Rinat has produced and directed many events under the municipality of Rehovot and the municipal society – celebrations of the Hebrew book, municipal memorial rallies, commemorative and heritage events, events that connected local artists with local businesses and more: “I enjoy walking around the events among the thousands of people like a proud mother and knowing that I was able to touch them through content Quality and a lot of thought.”

Rinat’s uniqueness in her field lies in her sharp writing talent, her brilliant humor and her uncompromising pursuit of the accuracy of every detail: “An event whose content is accurate – succinctly and sensitively conveys the story that is at the center of it, giving pleasure to everyone and not tiring the guests. I relate to every event, song, video or Blessing as a one-time work of art and builds them accordingly.” The talent she has been gifted with since childhood helps her in many productions, which evoke emotion and an inseparable connection of the event host to the event itself: “At the root of the private events I create and produce is a lot of love – love for parents, grandparents, spouse, children, etc. I am full of satisfaction from creating moments This family happiness and the ability to allow a person to leave a significant mark on the next generation. I learned that every person has the need to share their story with the world. When meeting with a client, I listen, study them, internalize their story, and create the most right thing for them. Several years ago I had the privilege of producing the celebrations My mother’s 70th birthday, during which she requested to travel and trace her childhood in Gan Yavne. We wandered through the picturesque houses, and were treated to warm hospitality by the residents and fascinating historical stories. I compiled the documentation into a video that was screened at the event in her honor, and it is an experience that I recommend to everyone And an amazing souvenir for children and grandchildren.”

2 Viewing the gallery

Rinat AlonRinat Alon

Rinat Alon

(Photography: Yonit Shalom)

A tip for our readers who are planning a private event soon?

“First – celebrate! Don’t miss an opportunity to perpetuate the stories and memories for future generations. Second – don’t overload the content – give a stage to the stars of the family, but remember that turning the event into an endless talent festival will not always serve the purpose. I often recommend being content with a short video or a song Let them be accurate to the occasion and leave a taste for more.” What do you like about your profession?

“In this profession, there is no day that is similar to the previous one – every day you wake up to a new project, to new people and stories, each family that enters my professional life is slowly becoming a real family, whose secrets, stories and roots I fully share.”

How do you currently combine your family life with your profession?

“The combination of career and family is always challenging, and for single mothers it is even more challenging. In the lexicon of the profession, there are no “sick days” or “child illness” – an event must take place as planned and the customers will always receive a perfect, clean and accurate product, without background noise. Today, when the children Grow up, everything is easier. We travel a lot in Israel and abroad, they understand the demanding work and understand that it is a livelihood that allows them a good life. My partner also often has to absorb the long working hours, but to my delight he is very supportive and proud of my every success.”

What is your motto in life?

“‘If you can dream it, you can do it’ (Walt Disney). In the first stage of working on an event, I close my eyes, imagine it, and slowly ‘translate’ it into reality and breathe life into it.”

Tell me three things they don’t know about you.

“I dedicate several hours a week to working with students in schools through a theater course that I built, with the aim of helping them strengthen their self-confidence and face in a group. The satisfaction is endless. The second thing – I studied diverse fields

For my pleasure – cinema and theater, art therapy and psychodrama, make-up for film and television, medical clowning, mediation, family mediation, tour guidance, PPC management and more. And the third thing – I am named after my late grandmother Rina – who is an example and model of a strong woman, who survived many things in life, and always made sure to show a million dollars and contribute from her wisdom

A lot for everyone. Even today, years after her passing, I still feel that she is watching over me from above.”

Rinat Alon – the artistry of the event

Photography: Yonit Shalom

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