I. Vardakastanis: “Our vote counts and is worth it” – 2024-05-11 21:35:47

by times news cr

2024-05-11 21:35:47

Editorial RoomCurrent Affairs

The importance of Greeks and… Europeans voting in the Euro-elections of June 9, was highlighted by PASOK-Movement of Change MEP candidate Ioannis Vardakastanis, president of the National Confederation of Persons with Disabilities, in the context of his tour of the Prefecture of Ioannina.

In a press conference, after a round of visits to the Chamber of Commerce, the City Hall, the Agricultural Poultry Cooperative of Ioannina “Pindos” and the General Agricultural Cooperative of Ioannina “Farmers Union”, Mr. Vardakastanis emphasized that we must not forget that in this election process we vote for the new European Parliament, the only institution directly elected by European citizens. “Our vote counts and is worth depending on what we give it. And whatever we choose to vote for within Greece, has a correspondence with the European party”, he pointed out characteristically, highlighting the importance of participating in the elections, given that we are in a cycle of multiple crises, where one crisis is inside the other. “The coming Parliament has to deal with very serious issues. New EU budget, multiannual financial framework of all programmes, Common Agricultural Policy, new NSRF, measures and policies for the green and digital transition, climate crisis and climate change, migration, EU enlargement”, he continued, characterizing the period we are going through as critical .
Finally, he also answered the question why PASOK aims to be a second party. “PASOK does not aim to be a second party as an end in itself, but to be able to lead in a robust way the effort to reconstruct and reconstitute the democratic faction. For the country to acquire a serious, institutional, productive and innovative official opposition, but also to shape the alternative proposal for the governance of the country. Because that’s the only way democracies work,” he concluded.
Mr. Vardakastanis was introduced by the secretary of the Prefectural Committee of Ioannina of PASOK – KINAL Vassilis Gardikos, saying that his participation adorns the ballot and adding that, although he has not been elected MEP, he has a great European project to show.

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