IDF Reveals Destruction of Hamas Leader Sinwar’s Hiding Apartment and Tunnel Network in Gaza Strip

by time news

IDF Forces Uncover and Destroy Hiding Apartment and Tunnel Network of Hamas Leader

In a recent development, Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have located and destroyed a hiding apartment of Yahya Sinwar, the head of Hamas’s political wing in the Gaza Strip. The apartment was found near Gaza City, and it is believed to have been used as a hiding place for Sinwar. Additionally, a network of tunnels belonging to Hamas’s ‘General Headquarters’ in the north of the Gaza Strip was also discovered and destroyed by IDF forces.

The discovery of the apartment and tunnel network comes after a thorough investigation by IDF forces. The apartment, located in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, was found to be filled with various artifacts. Further inspection revealed a strategic shaft on the basement floor, which led to a tunnel that is apparently used by senior members of the military and political wing of Hamas.

According to the IDF, the tunnel is part of a long and branching network that was used by senior members of the terrorist organization to move and operate. The tunnel, which is 218 meters long and about 20 meters deep, contained an electrical network, ventilation and sewage infrastructure, as well as prayer and rest rooms. It was constructed in such a way that allowed for prolonged stays and combat operations to be conducted from within.

The uncovering and destruction of the hiding apartment and tunnel network is a significant blow to Hamas, as it disrupts their ability to conduct operations and movements within the Gaza Strip. The IDF has released documentation of the apartment and tunnel network, providing evidence of their findings.

This latest development underscores the ongoing efforts by IDF forces to target and dismantle the infrastructure of terrorist organizations operating in the region. The uncovering of the apartment and tunnel network serves as a reminder of the continued threat posed by Hamas and the ongoing security challenges faced by Israel.

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