IEEE – XXI Century: Frontiers… scars of history or wounds of the present?.

by time news

2023-09-06 06:00:00


21st century: Borders… scars of history or wounds of the present?.- Pedro Sánchez Herráez

The borders, usually known as scars of history, constitute one of the elements of sovereignty and that give rise to the existence of a State. And if there have always been disagreements, disputes and wars for their conformation and modification —hence the meaning of scar, of an old wound apparently closed—, it seemed that, in the 21st century, globalization and the planetary flows associated with it turned these scars on something from the past.

Curiously —or not—, in the era of global geopolitical reconfiguration in which the planet is immersed —with the war in Ukraine being only one of its most obvious elements— that concept that in a large part of the world seemed almost outdated, due to globalization and supranational integration, has once again come to the fore. And on many occasions in a painful way, like new wounds that open, or attempt to open, on the skin of the Earth, it is alleged that these borders only reflected a relationship of forces at a given moment, and, therefore, Therefore, they are not intangible or immutable.

Some considerations in this regard accompanied by some examples, and a kind of final reflection are the core of this Document.

Document prepared by Pedro Sánchez Herráez. CABBAGE. ET. INF. DEM. Doctor in Peace and International Security. IEEE Analyst.

#IEEE #XXI #Century #Frontiers.. #scars #history #wounds #present

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