‘If I get and they accompany me, I could be a candidate’

by time news

2023-05-30 05:42:21

Interior Minister Wado de Pedro did not rule out his possible presidential candidacy in the PASO of the Frente de Todos.

The Minister of the Interior, Eduardo “Wado” de Pedro, affirmed this Monday that he wants to “be part of a generation that thinks of different solutions to the problems of Argentines” and he maintained: “If it is my turn and they accompany me, I could be a candidate” in the next elections.

He also called to generate a “federal development plan” from the next Government, where he joins the country’s leadership “in a productive model that gives work and happiness.”

Asked if he would be a candidate for President, De Pedro said: «I think in collective terms, and since the space began to think about candidates and new faces and we discussed the future of Argentina and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner spoke about the need for the new generations, I said ‘I want to be part of a generation that thinks of different solutions to the problems of Argentines’”.

«I know that I will be a part, I am not one of the people who dreamed of being something, I dreamed that Argentina would work and that others may have the chance to live with restraint that happiness,” he added, and returning to his application, he asserted: “If it’s my turn and they accompany me, yes.”

Photo: Press.

“If we want to do things in a different way, we have to put marketing and campaigns aside and the next government will have to sit down with workers, industrialists, media owners to see how we solve structural problems,” he said in a interview with FM Neura.

«We are thinking of a multipolar Argentina where each natural resource of each region allows industrialization in the region and produce labor and add local value,” he added.

He even proposed that It would be “the most logical thing” for the capital of the country to be in the interior of the country because “CABA is a very rich city in cultural and tourist terms that has a phenomenal potential that with all the administration concentrated on it also makes it a little unlivable due to traffic and protests.”

Regarding foreign policy, De Pedro said that “I would not like Argentina to return to being a scenario where the powers fight over our resources with our leaders.”

and expressed his desire to «to unite the Argentine leadership in a productive model that gives work and happiness to the Argentines so that we can negotiate with the rest of the powers in favor of Argentina ».

«I think in collective terms, and since the space began to think about candidates and new faces and we discussed the future of Argentina and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner spoke about the need for the new generations, I said ‘I want to be part of a generation that thinks different solutions to the problems of Argentines»Pedro’s Wado


He maintained that the next government should «First design the production model to see what we are going to dedicate ourselves to, what is the national agreement in this regard and agree on it so that it lasts and that the result of an election does not determine that certain industries have to close »in the future.

«We must rethink and redesign Argentina so that you can live, produce and work everywhere”, he summarized.

The minister detailed that during his tenure in the Interior portfolio he was able to work with the provinces so that “the Government that arrives has (at its disposal) a contribution for a federal development plan that we did with the governors”, which consists of “a guide of 1,400 works agreed upon by provinces and businessmen to generate more work linked to each provincial production model”.

He also criticized “those who say that Aerolíneas Argentinas generates cost” and added that thinking about federal development, the flagship company guarantees “that there are investments in the interior of the country, because a businessman is going to invest in a province if he has flights to be able to exercise professional command.

Photo Press
Photo: Press.

In economic terms, De Pedro assured that «The distrust in the peso is related to the distrust that we have as a country and that we generate the rest of the world, is a symptom. And he explained that “we have to work on basic agreements for Argentina to work. Without that it is not enough and every four years we will be changing the formula and the Government.

He also assured that in his vision of the country it is important “put down roots as Argentines and foster generations that love Argentina and they don’t want to leave” and called for “we find a positive epic to build the future and strengthen our nationality.”

In the interview of more than an hour the minister claimed the campaign “Argentina against bullying” that he has been carrying out together with numerous NGOs and international organizations for some time due to the ridicule and criticism he suffered regarding his speech disfluency.

He argued that through the work done «We make visible and we propose to think about it (bullying) through teacher training and talks »among other proposals.

He recalled in this regard that «The pandemic hit hard and I knew cases of disfluent kids who did not want to go back to school due to bullying And because of that Zoom in which I participated, my networks exploded in inquiries and message requests.

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