‘If the government does not correct it, let the people decide’: Disgruntled Governor malayalam news | manoramanews | kerala news | india news | national news | arif mohammad khan | Breaking News

by time news

Governor Arif Muhammad Khan made public his displeasure with the appointment of personal staff of ministers. “Law is important. My opinion has been expressed. The Supreme Court also said. What should be done now?’- asked the governor. He said that if the government does not correct it, let the people decide. Watch the video.

The governor was reacting to the appointment of the personal staff members of the resigned minister Saji Cherian in the offices of other ministers. The action of the government was to ensure the employment and pension of the personnel staff members. The salary of the personnel staff is between Rs.30,000 and Rs.1.4 lakh, regardless of educational qualification. If you work for 2 years, you will get pension.

Earlier, the governor had publicly taken a stance against giving pension to the personal staff of the ministers. Although the governor asked about the educational qualification of the personnel staff, the government did not reply. The governor had asked the political parties to look into the matter and take appropriate action as the payment of pension to the personnel staff during the financial crisis created an additional liability.

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