II International Congress of Teaching Practices in the English Language takes place from 05 to 06/07, in Redenção/CE

by time news

2023-04-24 13:28:33

From the 5th to the 7th of June, the II Copelin – International Congress of Teaching Practices in English will take place, an event that will be held at the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia (Unilab), in Redenção/CE. The Congress, which will take place in person, will promote a space for the exchange of ideas, debate, conversation circles, presentation of research and works on themes within the spectrum of linguistics and English-speaking literature.

Copelin seeks to reach undergraduate students, English-speaking professionals who graduated from the course, public school students and those interested in the area in general.

The deadline for submitting papers is May 15th. Thematic areas are: Approaches to Research in Literary Studies and Teaching Anglophone Literature; Research in Applied Linguistics and the Teaching/Learning of LI; and Reports of English Language Teaching Practices in the post-pandemic context (PIBID, PR and Internship). Work submissions as well as registrations must be made through the event page, in this link.

#International #Congress #Teaching #Practices #English #Language #takes #place #RedençãoCE

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