“I’ll be back for parenting time!” »: when dogs also go to daycare

by time news

2023-11-26 11:27:33

It’s time for “quiet time” at Belles Truffes, a few stone’s throw from La Défense (Hauts-de-Seine). Comfortable sofas are placed in the reception room for resting. The dream catcher hangs nicely on the wall, nicely arranged, like in children’s rooms. “It’s so that they sleep well,” comments Alexandra Surand, 27, the founder of this place opened last summer, staring at her “truffled companions”, as they call them.

Namely Saribi, a two-year-old Bernese mountain dog, placid and sleepy, and Frida, an overexcited mongrel a few months old. Beware of appearances. If this cozy space covered with carpets and equipped with stuffed animals and toys of all kinds is called a “micro-crèche”, it is not a question here of putting your child there but rather your dog.

At Belles Truffes, the dogs are handpicked. Only doggies aged over five months, castrated males, sterilized females and dogs who “have no socialization problems” are admitted, explains Julie Hennecart, a dog trainer who provides weekly missions here. Community life also has constraints.

A service for wealthy urban executives

Like other sites recently opened in the capital Merci Murphy, Alpha Dogs or Cany Cottage in Noisy-le-Roi (Yvelines), the place offers dog owners to look after their animals for a day or half a day while the masters go about their business.

At Belles Truffes, the rate is 70 euros per day (45 euros per half day) while the other pensions offer rates ranging between 40 and 50 euros for 8 or 9 hours of care. Some also offer dog taxi services and will pick up and return dogs directly to their homes. Great luxury.

“The growth of our service is linked to the city, it makes the daily life of the master easier,” explains Alexandra Surand. Our clients mainly live in apartments in the western suburbs. Even when working from home, with long days, they have difficulty making time for walks. So they expect us to go to green spaces. » She finishes her sentence when a beige tornado comes crashing down. Dexa, a young labrador accustomed to the place, greets his peers with lots of licks and strong noses. “Coming here, Dexa loves it!” And if she loves it, I love it,” summarizes her mistress, Audrey, 49 years old.

“Dexa, I consider her an animal, but she’s also my baby”

This resident of Puteaux, who lives with her husband and Dexa on a barge, assures that she does not necessarily need to look after her dog because she works at home. “I mostly bring her here so she can have fun. By coming once a week, the budget remains reasonable and it allows him to see other dogs. Dexa, I consider her an animal, but she’s also my baby,” Audrey continues before leaving the scene with a very loud “Goodbye my love!” » to the labrador and a “I’ll be back for parenting time!” » for the attention of Audrey Surand.

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More than a marketing phenomenon, the development of these dog daycare centers reveals an evolution in our relationship with animals, believes the sociologist at Paris-XIII Christophe Blanchard. “We are witnessing a change in the status of the animal,” he analyzes. In family intimacy, he becomes almost a child and this explains the proliferation of different forms of care and this explosion of consumption. We saw it during Covid, the dog is a real everyday companion that helps you de-stress,” he continues.

Ad hoc grooming service, dog spa, daycare: owners are now spoiled for choice if they want to spend money looking after their furry companions. “In terms of prices, daycare centers remain expensive. Currently, there is also a real trend with pet-sitters, these people, often young or retired, who offer to look after dogs at home, by walking them. Around 20 euros per day, this is very interesting,” estimates Nicolas Lasfargues, dog trainer in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne).

“If people are forced to leave their dog in daycare all day, in sometimes closed places where they will be overexcited, this perhaps means that their life is not suited to having a dog,” also deplores, critic, Hélène Gateau, former veterinarian and author of “Why I chose to have a dog” (and not a child) (Ed. Albin Michel).

Footballers and royal family of Morocco are customers

The debate is open. In the meantime, the clientele is responding and the structures are springing up one after the other, competing with innovations and sometimes extravagant claims. “At our place, in Argenteuil, we offer a real Disneyland for dogs 24 hours a day over 2,000 square meters with a grooming service, training and even hotel services,” assures Leandro Da Silva, founder and director of Forever Dog Company in Argenteuil (Val-d’Oise), which we feel a bit annoyed by the success of Belles Truffles in Puteaux (Hauts-de-Seine).

Originally from Brazil, this trainer was inspired by his native country to duplicate the model in France in 2017. He estimates that today more than 70 dogs pass through his home per day, including 40 to 45 in his daycare. His clients include celebrities and wealthy people such as the royal family of Morocco and the footballers Leandro Paredes and Lionel Messi, when they played in Paris. More than just beautiful truffles, it is exceptional truffles that pass through the doors of his company.

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