I’m tired, no one is responsible – time.news

by time news

The last letter from the novelist who died on Friday 7 January. The mayor: In December he told me that he would never hurt anyone but himself

The farewell to the life of Vitaliano Trevisan a piece of paper written in pen. A dry, almost cold style. A reasoned note, certainly not filled in straight away, describes Nicola, the writer’s nephew found lifeless on Friday in his home in the hills of Vicenza. A village in the woods in which only the author of de The fifteen thousand steps (Einaudi Stile libero) and an elderly couple. We are the only ones left – reflects the neighbor, Santo Gecchele – I’m sorry. He moved in here six years ago and he was nice, he never bragged about being famous. On the gate is a small bouquet of white flowers, left by two boys who went up there to pay homage. His books taught me so much – says one of them – words came out like music.

The most likely hypothesis is that Trevisan swallowed drugs. Too many. Mine a voluntary gesture wrote in the note, according to the nephew’s account: I am tired, I can’t take it anymore, so nobody should feel responsible because nobody could have done anything. Finally he asks that his body be cremated. Other details could be found in the notebook he used for notes and which is already in the hands of the carabinieri. It seems that three days before he was found dead, they saw him in Cavazzale, the town where he grew up, continues his nephew. I like to think he went for a farewell, maybe to visit his parents at the cemetery and said goodbye to the places of his youth.

The last few months had been difficult. In October, admission to a psychiatric facility. But when he came out he seemed to be better, says his friend Antonella Alvisi. He had many plans. But he was also frail and angry. He was very lonely. He alternated moments of serenity with others of depression and outbursts that pushed him to break off relations with the people who loved him, explains friend-director Pino Costalunga. He was generous and could be very sweet, but it wasn’t easy to be around him.

The mayor of Crespadoro, Elisa Ferrari, remembers him at the village bar: She often stayed there for hours, writing on the computer. Is exactly the two PCs could contain the latest works. They are now guarded by family members while Dean, Trevisan’s beloved dog – who for a couple of days had seen himself wandering around the village alone – will be entrusted to his ex-partner. I met him at the beginning of December – concludes Ferrari – he was restless. He told me: “I would never hurt anyone but myself.”

January 8, 2022 (change January 8, 2022 | 20:30)

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