The sanctions for merchants without Pos

by time news

The obligation was already there, from 2012 (Monti government) but without sanctions

the sanctions to shopkeepers, professionals without pos no longer start in 2022. Certainly the start date has shifted, a little quietly, to January 2023: therefore by one year compared to the deadline that emerged previously. It is what is read in the norm which is the conversion of the decree into law Recovery, in the Official Gazette of 29 December 2021.

Reports the Republic (as reported HuffPost) .: As you know, the obligation was already there, since 2012 (Monti government) but without sanctions. The user who was refused the credit card or the ATM only had the right not to pay until the other party had accepted the electronic payment (“creditor’s moratorium”). An uncomfortable option, little known and certainly a harbinger of quarrels. For years there have been attempts to apply sanctions, always from 30 euros; most recently the Conte government tried us in 2019.

ll governo Draghi he was the first to do so, moreover by increasing the penalties with 4% of the value of the payment. But this doesn’t seem to be the right time either.

The postponement of one year is already an indication of a rethinking of the legislator; and many things can happen in a year: as a further postponement (perhaps in the classic Milleproroghe decree at the end of the year). Given the precedents, it would not be a surprise: the penalties for exhibitors and taxi drivers are unpopular; in particular, a government that is not technical, but political, would be tempted to postpone or cancel them altogether.

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