Immigration: Ciotti writes to Borne to ask him to “solemnly” commit to applying the law

by time news

2023-12-22 12:12:24

The Republican boss drives the point home. Éric Ciotti, this Friday calls on Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne to “solemnly” commit to applying the Immigration law adopted by Parliament and questions her on the measures she intends to take against the departments which refuse it.

Emmanuel Macron, “you yourself and several members of your government are already announcing publicly that several strong measures which appear in this law (…) are contrary to the Constitution or may be revised”, writes Éric Ciotti in a letter addressed to the head of the government and of which AFP obtained a copy. “Can you make a solemn commitment that you will enforce the new Immigration law? », he asks, recalling that the text was voted on Tuesday “by the representatives of the French people, including those of your own majority”.

In the same letter, the deputy for Alpes-Maritimes “draws the attention” of the Prime Minister to the refusal of the 32 left-wing departments to apply the restriction of access to the personalized autonomy allowance (APA), provided for in the law and paid to people aged 60 or over who are losing their autonomy.

“Will you allow the Autonomous Republic of Seine-Saint-Denis to be created? »

“Will you let them constitute territories outside the State, create the Autonomous Republic of Seine-Saint-Denis, the Principality of Gironde or even the County of Paris in defiance of the most fundamental rules of our Republic? “, he asks. “These elected officials trample on the principle of equality which is at the heart of our legal order and thus nourish the feeling of rejection towards political leaders and our parliamentary institutions,” adds the head of the Republicans.

Following in the footsteps of Lot and Seine-Saint-Denis, the departments managed by left-wing executives (PS, PRG, EELV and DVG) reject the “national preference” provided, according to them, by the law adopted on Tuesday National Assembly with the votes of the National Rally.

In an interview with Le Figaro on Friday, Laurent Wauquiez also criticized “the ambiguous” and “very dangerous” game exercised, according to him, by President Emmanuel Macron. “The law will go through the mill of the Constitutional Council and European jurisprudence, with the very strong temptation to neutralize the strongest measures”, estimates the president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, judging the executive “to the border of cynicism, consisting of supporting the text while saying that some of its provisions are contrary.

#Immigration #Ciotti #writes #Borne #solemnly #commit #applying #law

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