Immunists will be able to perform a rapid test to get out of isolation

by time news

As part of the new isolation policy that will take effect tonight (Wednesday to Thursday), vaccinated people who have been exposed to verification in Corona will be able to settle for an antigen test to avoid isolation. However, antigen testing will not be home-based.

This is a measure designed to prevent congestion on the testing complexes of the HMOs and the Home Front Command, which already carry out about 120,000 tests a day.

In addition, the Ministry of Health checked the quality of the test kits following the FDA’s announcement regarding the concern that they did not recognize the Omicron variant, and found that they did recognize the variant.

The new insulation layout

Vaccinated and recovering people will perform an institutional (non-domestic) antigen test:

– Negative result – they will continue with the routine of their lives and will be exempt from isolation.

Positive result – will perform a PCR test and be in isolation until a result is obtained:

(-) Negative result – they will continue with the routine of their lives and will be exempt from isolation.

(-) Positive result – will go into isolation for 10 days until recovery with a doctor’s approval, and provided that in the last three days of this period, no symptoms have been detected that prevent a recovery approval.

It was also noted that during the seven days after exposure, it is recommended to avoid being in crowded places for recreation and leisure, and contact with high-risk populations.

It has also been determined that a vaccinated / recovering person, caring for a minor under the age of 12 or helpless who has been verified to Corona, will remain in isolation until a negative result is obtained in a PCR test he performs from the last day of isolation of the patient he is treating.

• Unvaccinated / not recovering (according to the definitions of the Ministry of Health) – will perform a PCR test:

– Negative result – will be in isolation for 14 days from the last contact with the patient and the possibility of shortening isolation with a negative PCR test result on the 7th day.

Positive result – will go into isolation for 10 days until recovery with a doctor’s approval, and provided that in the last three days of this period, no symptoms have been detected that prevent the recovery approval.

Also, a person who has not been vaccinated or recovered, caring for a minor under the age of 12 or helpless who has been verified in Corona, will enter after 14 days of isolation treatment with the option of shortening isolation with a negative PCR test result on the 7th day. Funding for the antigen test in case of exposure to verified, will be state-funded.

As stated, the policy will take effect from midnight today, subject to the signature of the Director General of the Ministry of Health on the relevant order and the approval of the Knesset Health Committee.

Meanwhile, by 5:30 p.m., 2,554 new verifiers had been diagnosed today. The positive rate was 2.5%.

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