In China, they named a product unusable with fried potatoes

by time news

Because of their affordability, versatility and nutritional value, potatoes are very popular with chefs and the general public. And when consumed correctly, the vegetable is able to provide the body with vitamins, minerals and fiber, which improves skin elasticity and helps maintain beauty.

However, according to the Chinese edition of Sohu, there are foods and vegetables that are unsuitable in combination with fried potatoes.

“Do not put tomatoes when frying potatoes, otherwise it will negatively affect the absorption of nutrients and lead to indigestion,” the newspaper writes.

Note that Russian doctors recommend not to expose the product to high temperatures when preparing potato dishes, and deep-fried potatoes are a source of toxins and fats. In addition, you need to bake or fry the potatoes not until they are brown, but until they are slightly golden.

Endocrinologist Elena Gubkina advises to cook peeled potatoes or steam them. Due to this, the body will receive potassium and sodium, which are necessary for the normal functioning of cells, vitamin B6, which is involved in immune processes, as well as vitamin C. Without harm to health, it is permissible to eat 200-300 grams of potatoes twice a week.


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