In Germany, unvaccinated workers will not be paid sick leave for COVID-19

by time news

On November 1, a new rule of labor law comes into force in Germany: for non-vaccinated Germans who are ill with covid, the state will no longer pay sick leave for the duration of quarantine. Earlier, the regional health ministries agreed on this, and the head of the health ministry Jens Spahn approved the decision at the federal level.

According to Die Welt, we are talking about those citizens who have no medical contraindications for vaccination against coronavirus. They will not be able to count on compensation both in the event of illness and when they leave for isolation after returning from countries with an unfavorable epidemiological situation. By the way, from the residents of the Federal Republic of Germany, who made two injections, the latter is not required in principle.

In a normal situation, an employer applies for compensation for employees who need to stay at home due to a quarantine order. They are eligible for full government wage replacement for the first six weeks and 67 percent of the normal payments for the seventh week. “Employees should not worry about anything: they get their wages in peace,” the newspaper notes. Only if during this time the employee has not recovered, he has to directly write an application to government agencies to extend sick leave payments.

Now this scheme will not apply to citizens who were recommended the vaccine, but for some reason they have not yet received it. “This is not about pressure, but about justice,” explained the head of the Ministry of Health Jens Spahn (now he, like all members of the German government, is considered the acting minister). “Why should others pay for someone’s unwillingness to get vaccinated? personal choice, they must understand that for their decision they will have to bear financial responsibility with certain consequences. “

The German Foundation for the Protection of Patients criticized such harsh measures. However, the authorities insist that they have every right to introduce them on the basis of the law on protection against infections.


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