In Kosovo, Parliament elects Vjosa Osmani as president

by time news – Kosovo deputies have elected president of the country’s most popular politics, Vjosa Osmani, overcoming the boycott of the opposition that had caused Parliament to miss the quorum yesterday.

The 38-year-old law professor, one of the standard-bearers of a young political generation determined to fight corruption, had 71 votes out of 82 MPs present.

Osmani was supported by Prime Minister Albin Kurti and his left movement Vetevendosje, which got more than 50% of the votes in the general election in February.

Osmani has assumed the interim presidency since November 5, when Hashim Thaci, former guerrilla leader, was accused of war crimes in November.

EU High Representative Josep Borrell congratulated Osmani: “The EU continues to support Kosovo on its path to EU integration. With the new institutions in place, Kosovo can now focus firmly on the necessary reforms and on dialogue facilitated by the EU “.


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