In memory of the writer Yuri Kuvaldin: he was amazingly gifted

by time news

2023-09-26 18:47:48


A fictional hooligan and a courageous linguist

We could never talk enough. Or rather, I couldn’t stop listening. Now you can’t turn it back. I realized why I didn’t ask enough questions about this and that… It seemed like I’d have time. It seemed like you could contact us at any time. He responded instantly, appeared, nourished with calm, confident wisdom.

On his last visit to me on September 1 (at an unprecedentedly hot hour of Knowledge Day – he adored Mikhail Bulgakov) we walked from my house to the metro instead of five minutes and an hour and a half, stopped, he smoked, floridated, waved his arms, talked about things he wasn’t talking about. I got tired of repeating: the writer is not a temporary body wrapped in clothes and captured in photographs, but the Eternal Word, so we must have time to transform mortal flesh into immortal letters, he spoke about his meetings with Alexander Men and how he drank vodka with him, about Okudzhava, Nagibin, Gaft, with whom he was friends, about Nadezhda Yakovlevna Mandelstam, who thanked him for releasing, when Freedom began and taking up publishing, all Osip Emilievich.

As a farewell gift, he presented him with his next little white volume, entitled “Pure Mind,” traditionally illustrated by his son, the artist Alexander Trifonov.

Yuri Kuvaldin was amazingly gifted and amazingly educated – he understood painting and music, recited poetry by heart, starting from ancient times… A true Muscovite, born and raised on Nikolskaya, went to school located in the building of the Greco-Slavic Academy, explored the capital on foot far and wide and dedicated her inspired lines, who created the Akhmatov Cultural Center in the Ardovs’ apartment on Bolshaya Ordynka, who made films about many outstanding contemporaries, stubbornly shaped the literary process in the magazine “Our Street”, where he published classics and beginners, whom he then constantly supported… Yernik, mockingbird, fictional hooligan and a brave linguist who took a shocking pseudonym, fortunately, managed to be realized in many volumes of his collected works of different genres… Suffice it to name his phantasmagoric obscene novel “Motherland”, a collection of essays “Life in the Text”, the poem “The Reading Circle”, a memoir of unique sincerity.. We are not yet fully aware of who we have lost. He himself (partly jokingly) believed that what he had done would be appreciated in 500 years. He operated and thought on such a scale.

Wait and see. Moreover, there are grounds for the forecast to be realized. In the meantime, let’s delve deeply. Writer Yuri Kuvaldin will not disappear from our lives, but his physical presence will be greatly missed.

The civil funeral service will take place on September 29 at 12.00 in the Central House of Writers.

Published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” No. 29123 dated September 27, 2023

Newspaper headline: In memory of the writer Yuri Kuvaldin

#memory #writer #Yuri #Kuvaldin #amazingly #gifted

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