In motoring, they did not agree again, maybe in March – 2024-02-21 03:49:20

by times news cr

2024-02-21 03:49:20

Motorsport once again failed to reach an agreement to resolve the license issue and allow the racing season to be saved.

Representatives of the Automobile Federation of Bulgaria (AFB) and the Bulgarian Federation of Motor Sports (BFAS) met with Daniela Dasheva, Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports. The initiative for the talks belongs to the pilot Krum Donchev.

The proposal by the Automobile Federation of Bulgaria is to create a new headquarters in which the two organizations will unite. BFAS representatives are of the opinion that governance in motorsport should take place within their organisation, with the doors remaining open to the inclusion of all members and participants from AFB structures. Decisions on both proposals are expected to be made in March, when the general meetings of AFB and BFAS are scheduled.

“I wish both organizations success at their general meetings, as I believe that their members, competitors, athletes and coaches will be more assertive and will be guided by the word that is needed by all of us – together”, stated Krum Donchev.

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