In Shanghai, the zero Covid strategy sows anger and doubt

by time news

STORY – This showcase city of Chinese politics is still under siege, and the confinement decreed on March 27 has been extended “indefinitely”. The authorities remain inflexible.

Correspondent in Asia

The little guy staggers, threatening to trip over the pale blue overalls that are way too big for him. He advances between a hedge of officials also encased in these medical armor covering them from head to toe, like Covid cosmonauts. The child, for he is indeed a child engulfed in this incongruous get-up, turns around in fear before boarding the bus, to take a last look at his parents and the house from which he is torn away. The toddler had the misfortune to be caught by Omicron in Shanghai. China’s draconian zero Covid strategy separates children who test positive from their parents, sowing anxiety and anger in the epicenter city of China’s biggest outbreak in two years.

These scenes posted on social networks have sparked the indignation of many residents of the largest metropolis in the country, confined until further notice. “It’s inhumane! It defies common sense to separate…

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