In Sudan, an emblematic bookstore is definitely turning the page

by time news

For seventy years, the Marawi bookseller [Méroé, cité antique de Nubie, capitale du royaume de Koush, aujourd’hui partie du Soudan moderne] Bookshop was one of the cradles of literature in Sudan. This shop, famous throughout Khartoum, has enabled generations of Sudanese to quench their thirst for knowledge. At the beginning of August, it closed, asphyxiated by the economic situation. The regulars of the place had some “broken heart”, recount Al-Jazeera.

If the bookstore has gone out of business, it is mainly due to the lack of financial means to acquire premises. “On been bullied in court since 2010, an eviction order was issued in 2017, and we moved to the basement. Now it is the new owner of the building who demands our departure”, says the son of the founder.

Created in 1952, the app bookshop

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