In the country – ‘Omicron’ caught in the wind!’ Dr. Nithipat recommends studying ‘old drugs’ cheaper than new ones to fight infection.

by time news

Thursday, March 31, 2022, 7:09 p.m.

‘Omicron’ is stuck in the wind!’ Dr. Nithipat recommends studying ‘old drugs’ cheaper than new ones to fight infection.

March 31, 2022 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nithipat Jearakul, Head of the Department of Respiratory Disease and Tuberculosis Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital Mahidol University Post a message via personal Facebook page “Nithipat Jearakul” with the following content…

“O Micron’s gesture will catch the wind on it. He stayed on the plateau for a long time and refused to descend. The cause is probably due to erysipelas spreading from Bangkok to the whole country. Had to wait a while after the center had slowed down for a while. As a result, the number of severe cases in the country is not easily reached. If we continued like this, the daily death figure could reach the top hundred digits.

However, if you want to see the reduction mark from the endemic epidemic actually occur in the second half of the year All parties must work together to actively control the disease for a while. Songkran festival can be enjoyed in moderation, but not too much.

It is important to persuade each other to vaccinate both standard needles and booster needles. until at least the vulnerable group will receive the 80% target standard needle for the next three months. The more if you can get the stimulus needle in every group as well, the better it will go.

In preparation for the COVID-19 transition, talks are back on the usefulness of antibody tests, recently released by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH). Suggestions that there is not enough evidence to suggest that antibody testing to assess immunity Is it helpful to help me decide on booster vaccination? or assist in deciding whether to use antibody cocktail therapy to reduce the severity of the infection. Recommendations for the use of drugs or other new antibody formulations in the treatment Our home is still not easily accessible due to the rather expensive price.…/sect…

Let’s look for a weapon that is inexpensive enough to replace it or not. In addition to the new expensive drugs mentioned above. Bringing old medicines that have been used to treat certain diseases in the past Drug repurposing is one way to find weapons to fight emerging pathogens. There is evidence in the laboratory that The tapeworm drug niclosamide has been in use for a long time. It has been shown to inhibit the COVID-19 virus as well as the previously studied dengue and Ebola viruses.

interesting is This drug also has an anti-inflammatory effect. inhibit bacteria and bronchodilator effect Therefore, it may be useful in treating COVID-19, especially in those with bronchitis and pneumonia.

But the problem is that the drug is poorly absorbed by ingestion. Trial to treat COVID-19 patients which is in progress, therefore the result is uncertain The oral tablet formulation has been modified for better absorption. or modified into other forms such as liquid oral pills, nasal sprays, and inhalers into the trachea and lungs. Please help us to be successful so that there will be good, cheap medicines to deal with the local COVID-19 disease…/10…/bph.15843”


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