Pavel Shvetsov, who achieved the third highest result in fencing, opened the modern pentathlon competition in Olympic Paris with a good result in one of his strongest disciplines. This is a good basis for the fight for a place in the finals, where half of the 36 athletes will qualify for the prize fights on Saturday after the bonus rounds of equestrian, fencing, swimming and combined running-shooting on Friday.
Jeļena Maļukas (at that time still Rubļevska) won the silver medal for Latvia in the modern pentathlon, a sport developed by the initiator of the modern Olympic Games, Pierre de Coubertin, while Deniss Cherkovskis took 4th place. Shvetsov was in 14th position in his Olympic debut three years ago in Tokyo. At that time, he won one less victory in the fencing rating round and started the competition with 7th place. All 36 athletes fence against each other the day before the semi-final, but in the main competition in this discipline, they play only a bonus round in order to be included in the 90-minute time limit for the semi-final and final competitions. Fencing and swimming (200 meters freestyle) are Shvetsova’s strongest disciplines, but the result in riding will be of great importance –
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