In the news this Tuesday, December 12…

by time news

2023-12-11 23:32:00

Diplomacy. It’s a last-ditch call: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is in Washington where he hopes to obtain the release for his country at war of a capital package, but much debated in the American Congress. Volodymyr Zelensky hopes with his visit to increase pressure on the American ally. Early this morning, Volodymyr Zelensky will go to the American Congress, which has committed more than 110 billion dollars since the Russian invasion in February 2022, but has not voted on a new envelope since last December. Then he will meet Joe Biden.

Human rights. Heads of State and Government meet with human rights defenders on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Geneva on December 11-12. “During these two days, we will witness the culmination of all the dialogues, thematic consultations and multi-stakeholder recommendations, as well as the birth and evolution of our “tree of commitments”,” explain the United Nations. “The tree of commitments […] embodies all the commitments made by Member States throughout the year. »

Football. Eliminated from the Champions League, Lens only has one European competition in mind: the Europa League, which the Sang et Or will be able to win if they do not lose at home against Sevilla FC, deprived of their supporters on Tuesday ( 6:45 p.m.). Third in group B with five points, Lens is where it must stay to reach the C3, ahead of Sevilla FC (last with two points) or, more precisely, to compete in a play-off for the round of 16 of the Europa League against a club finishing second in its group in this competition.

#news #Tuesday #December #12..

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