In the ninth month of her pregnancy: Moran Atias puts on a tight dress and heels

by time news

At any given moment the actress is expected Moran Atias who is in the ninth month of her pregnancy to report to the delivery room and become a new mother for the first time in her life. The pregnant actress showed up today (Sunday) for a launch event, probably her last, before she gains her new status as a mother, wearing a tight pink dress and heels.

Atias who arrived at the launch event of the new makeup collection of Mickey Bogani At the “Factory 54” store in the Ramat Aviv mall, she said that right from there she continues with her mother to buy equipment for the birth, because until now she has not had time to buy anything, and because she is 37 weeks and is expected to give birth at any given moment, she will spend the holiday with her family as close to home as possible Patients in the delivery room.

“A bad habit that I’ve been carrying around for many years”: Moran Atias celebrates a year of fulfilling her dream

Moran Atias (Photo: Or Gefen)

Not only Atias arrived, all the women of the egg arrived late this morning to support the famous hair stylist Miki Buganim, among them the top model Bar Refaeli who has been depositing her hair with Boganis for years, Miri Bohadana andMay challenge who led the campaign shoots, Ilanit Levy, Galit Gutman, Ruslana Rodina, Dana Zermon, Shai Mika, Ksenia Tarantol, Ofira Assig, Jordan Wiesel, Danit Greenberg, Eden Saban and others.

Miki Boganim, Ofira Assig (Photo: Or Gefen)Miki Boganim, Ofira Assig (Photo: Or Gefen)
Ilanit Levy (Photo: Or Gefen)Ilanit Levy (Photo: Or Gefen)
Bar Refaeli (Photo: Or Gefen)Bar Refaeli (Photo: Or Gefen)
Ruslana Rodina (Photo: Or Gefen)Ruslana Rodina (Photo: Or Gefen)
Miri Bohdana (Photo: Or Gefen)Miri Bohdana (Photo: Or Gefen)
Eden Saban (Photo: Or Gefen)Eden Saban (Photo: Or Gefen)
Shahar Hayon (Photo: Or Gefen)Shahar Hayon (Photo: Or Gefen)

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