In Ukraine, the national holiday bereaved by a new deadly Russian strike

by time news

“Ukraine feared the worst, a show of force as Russia appreciates them […]on this anniversary of six months of Russian invasion” and commemoration of the independence of Ukraine, note The evening. “The authorities had even banned all gatherings in the capital at the start of the week, and instituted a curfew in Kharkiv, the city in the north-east of the country regularly targeted by the Russian army”, recalls the Belgian daily.

On Wednesday, as Ukrainians still tried to celebrate their Independence Day, a Russian strike rocked “a small town in eastern Ukraine”Chaplyne, 145 kilometers west of Donetsk, reports the New York Times. The city’s train station was hit by rocket fire which left at least 22 people dead, including an 11-year-old boy, and around 50 injured. “Earlier today, air raid sirens sounded over every square meter of territory under Ukrainian control”tell the correspondents in Ukraine from Guardian.

Fears of sham referendums in occupied regions

“The sense of foreboding was heightened by a warning from the White House that the Russians had intensified preparations to hold mock referendums in the occupied areas”, in an attempt to justify an annexation of Ukrainian territories, note the journalists. These polls could begin “in a few days or weeks”, selon Washington.

As Ukrainians experienced a dark day on Wednesday, the United States brought a note of optimism to kyiv by announcing new military aid of nearly three billion dollars to Ukraine. “The United States is thinking big”note Time. “This is the largest envelope ever released in the context of the conflict”.

This American aid “will allow Ukraine to acquire air defense systems, artillery systems and ammunition, drones and radar to ensure that it can continue to defend itself in the long term”said US President Joe Biden. “Washington therefore confirms its place as the first support of kyiv”remark The evening.

This support “is vital for Ukraine” who “wants to continue its counter-offensive near Kherson”remarks on his side The time. The German daily recalls that with “Western weapons systems, the Ukrainian army were able to stop the advance of the Russian attackers in the Donbass, at least temporarily”.

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