Ina Müller on “LOL” on Amazon: “I am wrongly cast”

by time news

Berlin. Ina Müller can be seen in the new season of “LOL”. Under what circumstances the show could land them in prison.

  • The fifth season of “LOL” premiered on Amazon this Thursday
  • Also there: singer and presenter Ina Müller
  • In an interview with our editorial team, she talks, among other things, about the popular Amazon series and gives other insights into her private life

The comedy format “Last One Laughing (LOL)” has turned out to be such a huge success that the streaming channel Amazon Prime is now starting a fifth season (from March 28th). For the first time, the participants include the singer, cabaret artist and presenter Ina Muller. As the 58-year-old explains in the interview, she specifically prepared for the confrontation with her comedy competitors because she had a great desire to win. But the real victories she experiences include jogging.

“LOL” has been around for three years now, but you, as one of Germany’s leading entertainers, have never been there. Did you chicken out?

Ina Müller: There was already a request for the first season, but I think at the time it was just to joke around, not as a protagonist. Then it went back and forth a bit, and then someone asked a serious question, and I thought, now I’ll take the plunge. Even if I somehow feel like I was miscast.

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Why the wrong casting?

Müller: It helps a lot if you’re a comedian who has acts that work and knows what it feels like to perform one of your top ten acts. I don’t have anything like that. Seen this way, I was probably one of the planned wrong cast alongside Elyas M’Barek, but that definitely makes sense for this format.

Ina Müller: She used this person as a model for “LOL”

Does this mean you failed in the new season?

Müller: Not at all. But I’m not allowed to talk about it yet. If something slips out here before it’s broadcast, I’ll go to jail (laughs). A very harsh wind is blowing through my contract.

Ina Müller (2nd row, 2nd from left) is one of the protagonists in the fifth season of the Amazon Prime format “Last one Laughing”, “LOL” for short. © picture alliance/dpa/Amazon Prime Video | Frank Zauritz

You could also say: being there is everything. Or did you want to end up on the winner’s podium?

Müller: Yes, I have that competitive gene in me. I love competitions: who can run where the fastest, who can carry the most, who can jump the highest? And I took that with me into the “LOL” season. I specifically watched the episodes with Anke Engelke, who won once and almost once.

I think she always said to herself: “Anke, you’re an actress, and your direction is: Don’t laugh for six hours.” After watching LOL for a long time, I knew: Now I’ve got it. Before the show, I pushed myself internally, meditated briefly and said to myself: “Ina, play Anke Engelke.” I went in with that attitude.

But you weren’t afraid of losing?

Müller: No. You know, why not? On a quiz show you always ask yourself: “Is she smart or is she stupid?” When you get a question like: “What elements does air consist of?”, then people naturally think: “Dude , she’s stupid. Why doesn’t she know that?” If you get kicked out of LOL, you can still go out on the street the next day without having to be ashamed.

This behavior makes Ina Müller aggressive when playing sports

And what were the big victories in your personal life?

Müller: I can’t remember anything spontaneously. I feel like I’ve always been in the middle. This runs through my entire biography. That means: I was never at the back and never at the front. That’s why there are few peaks in my life, but fortunately there are also few lows. I can’t say that this situation was the worst, but I can’t say that I won big. In short, I am the average person in the middle of the field.

Judging by your Instagram posts, you are a dedicated jogger. What does that give you?

Müller: I’m always very proud of every kilometer I complete. I always ask myself: “Ina, how do you manage that? How come you can run eight or nine kilometers in a row without dropping dead?”

Could something be taking away your joy from running?

Müller: If I had someone with me in whose slipstream I had to run. Or there are people who easily walk backwards in front of me while telling me something and cheering me on: “Hop, hop, hop.” That makes me so aggressive. I only run against myself. When it comes to sports, I am the absolute “lonely rider”. I’m not cut out for team sports. That’s always too fast or too slow for me.

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In the past, you spent your free time watching horror movies because they helped you combat depression. Hopefully this is over?

Müller: I haven’t had to watch horror films in a long time. At the moment I’m looking for the opposite, because if it gets too scary I can’t go back to sleep. Even a morbid Scandinavian crime thriller is too much for me. Which, admittedly, annoys me too. Because of all the horror films I’ve seen, I’m now more anxious than I need to be.

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And what was the last thing that made you laugh?

Müller: A fart from Bastian Pastewka. That got a very loud laugh.

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