Incident of Scheduled Caste youth tied upside down for alleged goat theft sparks outrage in Maharashtra

by time news

Youth From Scheduled Caste Tied Upside Down to Tree in Maharashtra for Alleged Theft

An appalling incident has occurred in Maharashtra, where a young man belonging to a Scheduled Caste community was tied upside down to a tree by members of other communities for allegedly stealing goats. The incident has garnered widespread condemnation after a video capturing the incident surfaced on the internet.

The distressing video shows a group of individuals subjecting the Scheduled Caste youth to severe beatings with sticks after tying him upside down to a tree. The video, now widely shared online, has sparked outrage among netizens.

Upon seeing the video, the police immediately registered a case and have made an arrest, initiating an investigation into the matter. However, six individuals who belong to the dominant community and were involved in tying up and assaulting the victim are currently on the run. Law enforcement agencies are actively searching for them to ensure justice is served.

The victim Mahade, a resident of Srirampur area in Maharashtra, spoke about the horrifying ordeal he endured. Having lost both his parents at a young age, Mahade lives with his grandmother. Currently studying at a nursing college, he was allegedly abducted from his home on August 25 by six individuals who then took him to a garden where the incident occurred. They tied his hands and feet, hung him upside down from a tree, and mercilessly beat him. Additionally, the perpetrators subjected him to degrading acts such as urinating and spitting on him, further exacerbating his suffering.

Mahade explained that the attackers accused him of stealing goats and pigeons before forcibly removing him from his house. The incident has brought attention to the deeply rooted discrimination and violence faced by individuals from marginalized communities.

The societal outcry following the surfacing of the video highlights the urgency for a comprehensive conversation on caste-based discrimination in India. Human rights activists and organizations have called for strict action against the perpetrators and the formulation and implementation of measures to prevent such atrocities from occurring in the future.

The incident serves as a stark reminder of the need for a more inclusive society that upholds the values of equality and respect for every individual, regardless of their caste or social background.

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