Independent experts publish a roadmap to study UFOs or unidentified anomalous phenomena: “We will reveal anything we discover”

by time news

2023-09-14 17:26:18

The Commission of experts assembled by NASA

Updated Thursday, September 14, 2023 – 17:26

Sixteen experts publish recommendations to approach the study of UAP “without stigma” and using technologies such as AI. “We want to move from sensationalism to science,” said the director of NASA in the presentation of the report that includes some cases of phenomena that they have not yet been able to identify.

Detail of the object photographed in the Middle East by an MQ-9 aircraft that has not yet been identified

Gone are the stigmas and lack of transparency in the investigation of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), better known even as UFOs (unidentified flying objects). Or at least that is what NASA has intended by commissioning a commission of independent experts a report which was published this Thursday and which evaluates how to approach the study of these phenomena and what type of data can be collected to understand the nature and origin of UAP – which this commission considers “one of the greatest mysteries of our planet”– with the technologies and scientific tools available. In the words of NASA director Bill Nelson, They intend to move from “sensationalism to science.”

“At this time there is no reason to conclude that the existing reports on UAP have an extraterrestrial source,” the experts say at the end of the report before adding, with a long explanation, that it is not something they can rule out either “if we recognize that it is a “possibility that these objects could have traveled through the Solar System toward us, or that the galaxy goes beyond our Solar system.”

“Exploring is in NASA’s DNA, as is asking why things are the way they are… We want to be sure that anything we can find is transparent to everyone,” explained the head of the US agency. at the press conference to present the report, where he stressed that NASA’s job “is to discover the unknown.” To be consistent with the National Defense Act, NASA clarifies, UAP refers to “unidentified anomalous phenomena” rather than “unidentified aerial phenomena.”

The object photographed in the Middle East that could not be identified “due to limited data” NASA

The formation of this commission of 16 experts in 2022 generated great expectation and although NASA warned, before the publication of its conclusions this Thursday, that the document is not “a review or assessment of previous unidentified observations”, the report does examples of objects or phenomena studied are collected, some that they have been able to identify as aircraft components and others that they have not yet been able to identify. These include a silver spherical object photographed by an MQ-9 in the Middle East that “due to limited data, remains unidentified,” and another video released in 2020 by the Department of Defense of a mysterious flying object (a phenomenon which they call ‘GoFast), of which they have calculated the speed at which they were going but which remain unidentified.

“The independent commission has not found any evidence of the extraterrestrial origin of the UAP, but We don’t know what UAPs are, and we’re going to try to find out. Whatever we discover, we’re going to reveal it,” Nelson said. “There’s something fascinating about UAPs. On my trips, one of the questions I get asked the most is about sightings,” said Nelson, who has stressed the need to obtain higher quality data…”If you ask me if I believe there is life in the universe, outside of the Earth, my answer is yes…The universe is so vast that there could be a replica of life on Earth in another solar system, of course I believe that,” he noted.


What has been presented today is therefore a kind of roadmap with recommendations to be able to study them better from now on. Nor is it an academic study.

Leading the commission is David Spergel, president of the Simons Foundation and former director of the Department of Astrophysics at Princeton University. In addition to scientists in the area of ​​astrophysics such as Federica Bianco, Shelley Wright or David Grinspoon, experts include former astronaut and military pilot Scott Kelly, oceanographer Paula Bontempi; the deputy director of Accident Investigation and Prevention for Air Safety of the Federal Aviation Administration, Warren Randolph; the director of the Potomac Institute of Political Studies, Jen Buss or the freelance science journalist Nadia Drake.

According to this panel, “artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning are essential tools to identify rare events, potentially including UAP, in large databases, but they will only be effective if they use well-characterized data, following solid standards.” Asked if they are concerned about the regulation of AI, Nelson has responded that he personally does believe that AI needs some limits.”

The independent study team used unclassified data from civilian government entities, commercial data, and data from other sources to support its findings and recommendations in the report. There are currently a limited number of high-quality observations of UAP, making it impossible to draw firm scientific conclusions about its nature.

The presence of UAP poses a risk to air safety in our skies. And by understanding its nature we can ensure that it is safe,” highlighted Daniel Evans, deputy director of research in NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. And this report, he added, shows “NASA’s commitment to transparency.” and knowledge.”

The 16 members that make up the independent commissionNASA

“Recently, many credible witnesses, often military aviators, have reported seeing objects they did not recognize in US airspace. Most of these sightings have been explained, but a few have not been identified as US-made objects. man or by natural phenomena. These are the events that we call Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena or UPA,” the report explains.

According to this report, a critical aspect of understanding UPAs will be “engaging the public” because “A negative perception about UAP represents an obstacle to collecting data on these phenomena,” NASA defines UAPs as observations of events in the sky that cannot be identified as aircraft or, from a scientific perspective, as natural phenomena.

Currently, the US space agency says, there are a limited number of high-quality observations of UAP, making it impossible to draw firm scientific conclusions about its nature. According to the space agency, This research is approached “with an open mind” because it believes that there is much to learn.

At the end of May, NASA held a briefing in which experts from the UAP commission explained that, after investigating 800 sightings of unidentified anomalous phenomena, they confirmed that in none of them had they seen evidence of something extraordinary, of something that did not come from of human intelligence”, in the words of David Spergel.

NASA also remembers that it is not actively searching for UAP, but it does finance numerous missions to research exoplanets and biosignatures, that is, substances that may indicate the presence of some type of life on these exoplanets. “One of NASA’s key priorities is the search for life elsewhere in the universe.”: NASA has not found any credible evidence of extraterrestrial life and there is no evidence that UAPs are extraterrestrial. However, NASA is exploring the solar system and beyond to help us answer fundamental questions, even if we are alone in the universe,” they point out.

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