India cannot take the risk of being left behind in AI, know how heavy the price will have to be paid – artificial intelligence India cannot take the risk of being left behind China USA exploiting business and strategic potential of AI – 2024-04-25 02:53:59

by times news cr

2024-04-25 02:53:59

Work is going on rapidly around the world regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI). Developed countries are competing to surpass each other. In such a situation, India’s role is also important. India, along with G20 and developing countries, can play an important role in the regulation of this technology.


Rich countries ahead in AI research, developing countries like India lag behind
If India lags behind in AI research, it will have to pay a big price.
China and East Asian countries also perform well in AI research

Anand Pradhan: Will machine/computer based artificial intelligence (AI) approach or surpass human intelligence (HI) in the near future? This question has become a topic of debate these days, from drawing room discussions to the boardrooms of big technology companies and policy makers.

AI is ahead and behind in some places

According to the latest report – AI Index, 2024 – from Stanford University’s Institute for Human Centered AI, last year AI outperformed human performance benchmarks across a range of tasks – such as image classification, visual reasoning and English language comprehension. Granted, but in many more complex tasks he is far behind human intelligence.

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prediction difficult

Most experts believe that it will take decades for AI to reach the level of human intelligence. According to some experts, AI will never reach the level of human intelligence. Prediction is difficult in this case. But there is a competition between China and the world’s big technology companies along with rich countries to exploit the business and strategic possibilities of AI. Looking at this competition, it seems that in a few years AI will start competing with human intelligence in many more cases.

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Competition among big companies

Governments of developed countries and big tech companies are spending billions of dollars on AI research. According to the AI ​​Index report, private investment in AI research declined last year due to deteriorating global economic conditions. But private investment in generative AI increased eight times to $2520 million by 2022. Big tech companies are spending money like water on training their AI models. For example, OpenAI spent $78 million last year on training ChatGPT-4, and Google spent $191 million on training Gemini Ultra.

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Developing countries are behind

The result is that once again America, European Union, Britain and China and East Asia (South Korea, Singapore, Japan etc.) and their big tech companies have gone far ahead in terms of AI research, patents and developing new models. But developing countries like India are once again lagging behind in this race. According to the AI ​​Index report, by 2022, China and East Asia will account for 75.2% of the total AI-related patents, North America will account for 21.2%, and the European Union will account for 2.33%. India’s share of total patents is only 0.23%.

Dominance of America and Europe

This does not mean that China and the countries of East Asia have broken the dominance of America and the European Union in the matter of AI. Of the important AI models released last year, 61 came from the US, 21 from EU countries and 15 from China. Similarly, tech companies from rich developed countries remain ahead in the development of important AI models. Last year, these companies developed 51 machine learning models, while 15 models were developed from academic research institutions and 21 models were developed in collaboration between the two.

That means rich countries and their big tech companies continue to dominate AI research and development. These big tech companies are eyeing the rapidly growing global market of AI.

  • According to Forbes magazine, the AI ​​market was worth $136 billion in 2022, which will grow to $181,100 billion by 2030 with a gross growth rate of 37.3% annually.
  • According to a recent report by McKenzie, Generative AI alone will add $260 trillion to $440 trillion annually to the global economy. The report claims that in the next three years such a situation may arise that if anything is not related to AI then it will become junk.
  • Big tech companies, especially Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Meta and hardware companies – Intel and Nvidia are spending a lot of money in AI research and development to capture this huge market of AI. Only Chinese companies – Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent are able to compete with them to some extent.

AI, quantum are important

India and other big developing countries and their tech companies are being left behind in this race. Last week, Chief Scientific Advisor to the Central Government, Prof. Ajay Kumar Sood acknowledged that if India does not develop its science and technology, it will not be able to achieve the expected fast economic growth rate. According to him, India has lagged behind in many important technological developments in the past, but it cannot let this happen in terms of AI, quantum technology and clean energy technology etc.

increased public investment

Not only this, considering the strategic role of AI, big developed countries are investing heavily in its research. Therefore, India should not only focus on increasing public investment in AI research but also take the lead in setting standards for regulation of AI. It should work with the G20 platform and other developing countries to advance the development of safe and reliable AI, where the risks associated with AI are being ignored or completely abandoned to the market in the pursuit of profits. Is.

Ignoring dangers

This question is very important because the world is overwhelmed by the wonders of AI and the governments and regulators of big developed countries are ignoring its dangers despite knowing it due to pressure from big tech companies and fear of being left behind in the race of AI development. The AI ​​Index report also acknowledges that no precise criteria and process have been established for evaluating the functioning of AI. Tech companies are making big claims, but there is no standard and independent agency to investigate them.

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voter monitoring

Deep fake audio and videos are being created using AI to influence the democratic process, especially public opinion and elections, which is worrying. The report also discusses the biases and political-ideological leanings inherent in AI. Not only this, voters are being monitored and efforts are being made to distort their mental-emotional behavior. In view of the rapidly increasing use of AI and its increasing power, these questions cannot be ignored.

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