India’s Preparation for G20 Summit: Political Marketing or Geopolitical Rise?

by time news

India Preps for G20 Summit with Massive Publicity Campaign

In anticipation of hosting the Group of 20 summit this weekend, the Indian government has launched an extensive advertising and public relations campaign to showcase the country and its Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. Giant posters featuring Modi’s face have been erected in cities across India, while national monuments, including the iconic Red Fort in Delhi, have been illuminated with the G20 logo to encourage people to take selfies. The Indian government has also incorporated G20-related themes into school curriculum, describing India as “the Fountain Head of Democracy.”

The timing of the G20 summit is fortuitous for India, as the country is currently asserting its position as a rising global power. India is being courted by various global powers and is positioning itself as a leader and model for developing nations. Prime Minister Modi has seized on the G20 presidency as proof of India’s ascent and has integrated it into his own political image as he seeks re-election next year.

Critics argue that the Indian government’s promotional efforts are an excessive politicization of an international gathering intended to foster economic cooperation. The G20 logo prominently features the lotus, the symbol of Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (B.J.P.), which has sparked controversy. However, B.J.P. politicians defend the government’s actions, stating that the G20 provides an opportunity to showcase the best face of India to the world.

The preparations leading up to the summit have resembled a carnival, complete with various Indian cultural showcases for delegates to enjoy. Guests visiting the restive region of Kashmir were treated to gifts such as walnuts and saffron, while delegates in Gujarat, Modi’s home state, enjoyed fashion shows and local dance performances. Delegates were also taken on yoga sessions and heritage walks in different parts of the country.

India has also taken steps to address health and sanitation issues ahead of the summit. An action plan to prevent the spread of dengue-carrying mosquitoes includes drone-based surveillance and anti-larval spray, while large monkey cutouts have been installed to deter smaller monkeys that sometimes create nuisance. However, the evictions of slum dwellers in New Delhi, which activists claim are linked to the G20, have faced criticism. B.J.P. spokesperson, Tom Vadakkan, denied any connection between the evictions and the G20, stating that the government is providing adequate housing for the displaced.

As India eagerly awaits the G20 summit and the global attention it brings, opinions are divided on the massive promotional efforts undertaken by the government. While supporters view it as a deserved celebration of India’s rise, critics argue that it is an undue politicization of the event. Only time will tell how India’s G20 presidency will shape the country’s future and the electoral fortunes of Prime Minister Modi.

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