Industries want the government to accelerate measures against the effects of climate change

by time news

2023-09-24 04:00:24

Industrial sector worker passes by machine José Paulo Lacerda / CNI Disclosure / Agência Brasil The heat wave, which raised temperatures across the country this week, and the disasters caused by strong storms, such as the extratropical cyclone that hit Rio Grande do South at the beginning of the month, leaving 48 dead, call for a more active stance from the government in combating the effects of global warming, with urgent actions, says the CNI (National Confederation of Industry). See also Economy New phase of Desenrola will offer a cash discount or pay in up to 60 installments on debt of up to R$5,000 Economy Forgotten money includes R$2 billion from people who have already died; know how to redeem Savings Are you going to buy an air conditioner? Know the precautions before choosing According to the entity, there are three priority measures that the country must adopt as soon as possible: the first is related to the generation of offshore wind energy (which includes offshore wind farms), which can accelerate the energy transition; the second refers to the carbon market, which still needs to be regulated; and the last concerns the production of low-carbon hydrogen. In the case of offshore wind energy, a modality for which Brazil has an energy potential of around 700 GW, more than three times the capacity already installed in the country, the development of the parks depends on the approval of the regulatory framework, the PL (bill ) 576/2021, by Senator Jean Paul Prates, which awaits consideration by the House plenary. • Share this news on Whatsapp • Share this news on Telegram The United Kingdom, Germany and China already produce this type of clean energy and are the countries with the most offshore parks. In Brazil, there are already pre-registered projects for the installation of offshore wind farms in Ceará, Maranhão, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. The second necessary action is the approval of the bill that regulates the carbon market, which is important to offset and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The main sources of CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions in Brazil are currently deforestation and fires, followed by the agricultural and energy sectors, the latter due to the burning of fossil fuels. According to the CNI, the country has the potential to generate up to R$128 billion in revenue from the carbon market. Last Wednesday (20), Senator Leila Barros (PDT-DF), rapporteur of the project, said that she will present a new report on the topic next week, with the inclusion of suggestions received from different bodies and entities, such as the Council for Sustainable Social Economic Development, in addition to governors of some states. The first version of the text on the SBCE (Brazilian Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading System) was delivered to the Senate Environment Committee at the end of August. This system will control CO2 emissions into the atmosphere according to each sector of the economy. Trading CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases is a way of controlling the amount of pollutants sent into the atmosphere, through carbon pricing. In this way, companies, organizations and individuals can offset their emissions by purchasing carbon credits, which are generated by projects that reduce emissions and capture carbon. The idea is to make emitting agents responsible for the social cost of their own emissions, a system that already works in several countries. Read also Calorão increases air conditioning sales, which already increased by 16% in the 1st semester Summer time this year is not yet ruled out, says ministry Pulled by electricity, preview of inflation picks up pace again in August The third measure considered urgent by the CNI is to regulate the development of low-carbon hydrogen, which contributes to the reduction or elimination of greenhouse gas emissions. Currently, the draft regulation awaits the designation of a rapporteur in the Mines and Energy Committee of the Chamber of Deputies. According to BNDES (National Bank for Economic and Social Development), hydrogen is a fuel that can be found naturally or produced in different ways. When produced cleanly, it can be used by industries or the transport sector, for example, without generating carbon emissions, which allows for reductions in several areas of the economy. It can be stored, transported and generate energy again, in addition to serving as a raw material for products such as ammonia, used in the manufacture of fertilizers. “Even though it emits less CO2 compared to companies in other countries, Brazilian industry has been building increasingly ambitious reduction targets”, says Davi Bomtempo, executive manager of environment and sustainability at CNI.

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