Infarct Code has saved 230 lives in one year within the HGM

by time news

2023-09-20 23:00:49

Since its implementation on September 17, 2022, at the General Hospital of Mexico (HGM) “Dr. Eduardo Liceaga” of the Ministry of Health, Heart attack code It has proven to be an essential strategy in offering urgent and effective care to people presenting signs of a heart attack.

The general director of the HGM, Guadalupe Mercedes Lucía Guerrero Avendaño, highlighted that, during the first 365 days of operation of this medical protocol, instructed by the Secretary of Health, Jorge Alcocer Varela, 230 people have been treated, who have benefited from the free program, so they received emergency care and were provided with procedures such as cardiac catheterization and stent placement, at no cost.

In the first year of implementation of this protocol, diagnosis and response times were significantly reduced, equivalent to international standards (less than 60 minutes), so the person is immediately taken to the hemodynamics area, such that Infarction Code leads to better recovery and quality of life for patients.

The hemodynamic rooms are in operation 24 hours a day, 365 days a year; and a team of highly qualified health professionals provides service there, prepared to deal with any emergency case.

“I thank the patients for trusting us and allowing us to be part of their recovery process. “As we reflect on this year of achievements and look to the future, we reaffirm our commitment to continue innovating and improving our services for the benefit of our community.”

He expressed his gratitude to all the health, administrative and support professionals, “who with their work have made this success possible.”

In addition, since the Free Program was established in 2020, the HGM has treated 1,366 patients with coronary heart disease, of which 757 were treated with intervention for Coronary Syndrome.

In the HGM Emergency Service, cardiovascular diseases represent the fourth most common cause in male patients between 50 and 65 years old.

Symptoms include: chest pain, which may feel like tightness or shortness of breath and spreads to the shoulder, arm or jaw; imminent feeling of death and/or excessive sweating.

If you present any of these symptoms, people should immediately go to the nearest medical unit; Those who are in Mexico City can go to the Cardiac Emergency area, located at door 8 of the HGM.

Also read:

SSa “copies” IMSS and adds the Heart Attack Code program in this hospital

Infarction Code, IMSS program that has saved more than 5 thousand lives

“Infarct Code” of the IMSS has the greatest coverage of its type in Latin America

#Infarct #Code #saved #lives #year #HGM

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