Inflation compensation, increase in the minimum wage, reduction in VAT… The proposals of political parties on purchasing power

by time news

Since the second round of the legislative elections, depriving the President of the Republic of an absolute majority, uncertainty reigns as to the vote and the content of the first reform of the five-year term, which aimed to bail out the portfolio of the French.

Confusion dominates. A few hours after the verdict of the legislative elections which deprives Emmanuel Macron of an absolute majority in the National Assembly while swelling the ranks of the Nupes and especially of the RN, the parliamentary and political calendar seems totally upset. It must be said that, during the campaign, the president-candidate had placed the first weeks of his possible new five-year term under the sign of a revaluation of purchasing power in the face of soaring prices.

But faced with a lower house torn between a large central bloc and two reinforced extreme oppositions, the government is on a ridge line when it wanted to present the future bill on purchasing power to the Council of Ministers on July 6. next. And review the text in the coming weeks. If the executive hopes to build and build a majority on a case-by-case basis, it knows that its adversaries are waiting for it and are sharpening their weapons to fuel the parliamentary debate. “It will be complicated. It will take imagination, audacity, openness where it will be necessary (…). to all those who want to move the country forward“Launched Olivia Grégoire, Monday morning, on France Inter. The government spokesperson may reassure herself, the parliamentary contests are likely to be lively as an ideological chasm separates the leaders from the political forces.

Remove from TV license fee

In his campaign, Emmanuel Macron had touted several measures to bail out the portfolio of the French. For “Better living from work”the tenant of the Élysée heard “triple” the Macron bonus – up to 6,000 euros – which he himself had set up in 2019, “without charges or taxes“. The Head of State’s program also aimed to install a “profit-sharing scheme (…). in companies that pay dividends». Also on the program is the payment of an “inflation check” aimed at mitigating the rise in prices on the French basket as well as the continuation of the tariff shield on energy prices. In the context where purchasing power had imposed itself as the central axis of the campaign, Emmanuel Macron finally wanted to abolish the TV license fee for all and revalue pensions, social minima and family allowances by 4%.

Without a seat at the Palais Bourbon, Emmanuel Macron will surely want to seek votes on the right. In view of the legislative elections, Les Républicains proposed in particular to calibrate pensions according to inflation and to cancel the increase in the CSG decided during the first five-year term. The right finally put in the debate the full tax exemption of overtime, without any limit. Which is reminiscent of Nicolas Sarkozy’s project in 2007. If the Republicans are not going to give the president a blank check, these measures are somehow closer to the political DNA of the head of state than those advocated by the left.

Coming in force to the National Assembly, the Nupes will want to weigh with all its weight. With a program largely inspired by that of presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the left-wing coalition has taken up the proposal developed over and over again by the rebellious leader to deal with inflation: the freezing of prices by decree. The former presidential candidate also hopes for a 10% increase in the value of the index point for civil servants, and the reimposition of wealth tax. Last central measure promoted by Nupes: raise the Smic to 1500 euros. A firm line which should undoubtedly warm the spirits in the lower house.

On the other side of the political spectrum, Marine Le Pen had spent her entire presidential campaign on social issues and in particular on the issue of purchasing power. Main proposal of the leader of the nationalist right party: the reduction of VAT from 20 to 5.5% on gas, fuel oil and gasoline “as a basic necessity”.

Marine Le Pen also wanted to give companies the possibility of increasing wages by 10% and exempting this increase from employer contributions. Another flagship measure repeated at will by the MP for Pas-de-Calais: the abolition of corporation tax for entrepreneurs under the age of 30 during their first five years of activity. The former boss of the RN finally wanted to renationalize the highways to lower the cost of tolls. In order to reach a compromise between these very clear-cut opinions, Emmanuel Macron will perhaps try to quickly install his “National Council for Refoundation”, supposed to lead to compromises between social partners, citizen movements and political forces. Even if the launch of this new structure, which was to take place on Wednesday, has just been postponed.

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