Inflation reinforces the isolation of low-income households

by time news

2023-09-29 06:01:04

Nearly six in ten French people say they have reduced their home invitations since the price rise, for example to share a meal or spend a weekend with family. This is one of the lessons ofa survey carried out by Crédoc on the consequences of inflation, which has the merit of shining the spotlight, not only on our consumption habits, but also on our local relationships.

According to this study published The cross, the purchasing power crisis reinforces isolation, in particular for people who already have limited social relationships: 34% of those surveyed say they invite rarely (i.e. less than once a month) and having reduced the pace. This rate rises to 53% among separated or divorced people, 49% among single-parent households and 46% among widows.

Distrust and anger

Crédoc also compared these results with five profiles of French people defined based on their feelings towards society. Three categories, “liberals” (18% of the population), “humanist ecologists” (17%) and “solidarity” (14 %) are distinguished by their optimism or their openness to others.

Two other categories, “the disgusted” (26%) and “the inaudible” (25%) are in an attitude of distrust or anger. They do not trust others and believe that public authorities and the media do not see their difficulties. It is within these two categories that we find the most people who say they have limited invitations to the home, 61% among “the inaudible” and 62% among “the disgusted”.

« With economic difficulties, isolation is increasing among categories of people who are at a distance from institutionsanalyzes Sandra Hoibian, general director of Crédoc. A worrying situation because family and friendly ties promote exchange and protect us from resentment or anger. »

According to the study, “the disgusted” are particularly concerned about the problems of violence and insecurity in the country. They want more « the departure of a large number of immigrants ». They believe that “poverty is rather the result of a lack of effort” and that public authorities are doing too much for the most deprived. Compared to the population average, they are rather old and have few qualifications. They want society “transforms radically”.

Yellow vests

“The inaudible” are more concerned about poverty and believe that the State must act to support purchasing power. Like “the disgusted”, they have little confidence in the government, but opt ​​for “progressive changes” of society and are particularly numerous to declare support for the yellow vest movement. “The inaudible” are over-represented among older workers (40-59 year olds), in the least advantaged professional categories.

“After two years of health crisis which have shown how essential social relations are to us, the strengthening of isolation due to inflation should worry public authorities, estime Sandra Hoibian. However, today we still have a political discourse which focuses on food or energy. We forget about sociability. »

Far from being marginal, this phenomenon of “disconnection”, as Crédoc calls it, largely affects the middle classes. Among people who say they receive few and have limited invitations, 28% consider themselves to be in poverty and 32% “fear of falling over” in this case.


Weakened intergenerational relationships

The Little Brothers of the Poor association published its 8th annual barometer on the isolation of the elderly on Thursday.

97% of those aged 60 and over have contact with their grandchildren, but these links weaken for older people.

These intergenerational relationships are weakened. A quarter of older people see “less his children and his grandchildren than before”. More than one in two young people see “less his grandparents than before”.

Precariousness – for young people as well as seniors – is a factor of isolation: those who have a small income go less to others, can travel less, go to restaurants.

The association launches in October a school awareness program on aging and the fight against ageism.

#Inflation #reinforces #isolation #lowincome #households

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