Ingrid Wagner regrets that she could never keep up with Cristian Castro and that is why he cut her off

by times news cr

2024-04-26 16:24:14

Ingrid Wagner she is no longer girlfriend Cristian castro and laments that he could never keep up with her, so he cut her off.

As expected, the courtship of Ingrid Wagner and Cristian Castro – 49 years old – came to an end less than a month after it started.

Cristian Castro gave a concert in Guadalajara and Ingrid Wagner was present, but hours later she left. returned to Argentina and without a boyfriend.

Ingrid Wagner assures that Cristian Castro will be one of her best memories

Was Ingrid Wagner who confirmed his breakup with Cristian Castro and gave some details to Gustavo Adolfo Infante, 59 years old.

The Argentine lawyer said that their breakup was in the best terms and that Cristian Castro was always a gentleman.

“The truth is that I love Cris, he is spectacular, it was a short relationship, but very, very nice. He is a very valuable man, we had an incredible time, he was a super loving gentleman”

Ingrid Wagner

Ingrid Wagner, Cristian Castro’s new girlfriend (Instagram/@lovelywi_)

Ingrid Wagner assures that Cristian Castro is a very affectionate man and that he always behaved attentively with her.

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“He picked me up twice at the London airport with flowers, it was very nice”

Ingrid Wagner

The lawyer said that she broke up with Cristian Castro because his lives are very different.

“We ended (the relationship) because we have different lives. “I live in Tucumán, I have children, it is different and I couldn’t keep up with traveling and well we decided to end the relationship”

Ingrid Wagner

Ingrid Wagner mentions that the pace of life of Cristian Castro It is very fast-paced, while she is a mother and cannot travel constantly.

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Cristian castro (Mexico Agency)

Ingrid Wagner is still in love with Cristian Castro and he has already deleted their photos together

After confirming their breakup, Cristian castro He deleted the photos he had on Instagram with Ingrid Wagner.

The lawyer said that the decision of break up their courtship It was one of the two and he will always remember Cristian Castro with affection.

“We decided to end the relationship on good terms because it was magnificent, I discovered a Cristian who really surprised me, filled me with emotion”

Ingrid Wagner

Ingrid Wagner assures that she had a great time with Cristian Castro and does not rule out a reconciliation in the future.

Cristian Castro and his girlfriend Ingrid Wagner

Cristian Castro and his girlfriend Ingrid Wagner (Instagram/@lovelywi)

But, this approach could occur when Cristian Castro finishes his projects and has more free time, since he is currently on tour with Yuri.

Ingrid Wagner felt that it was difficult for Cristian Castro to constantly travel to Tucumán, Argentina to see her, so that influenced their separation.

Cristian Castro’s ex-girlfriend stated that she wanted to clarify to the press that their breakup had been on the best terms and that the singer behaved friendly until the end.

Cristian Castro has not spoken about his recent separation, but Ingrid Wagner was in charge of dispelling rumors.

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2024-04-26 16:24:14

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