“Inhuman beings”: mummies of three-fingered aliens were shown in Mexico

by time news

2023-09-14 12:13:06

Mexican lawmakers heard evidence that “we are not alone” in the universe and saw suspected non-human remains at a special hearing on UFOs.

Last year, Sky News recalls, marked the 75th anniversary of the Roswell UFO incident, which continues to attract the attention of conspiracy theorists to this day. An extraterrestrial spacecraft is alleged to have crashed in the New Mexico desert in 1947, leading to the possible discovery of alien bodies that conspiracy theorists claim was classified by the American government.

In July, former US intelligence officer David Crash and former US Navy fighter pilot Ryan Graves testified before the United States Congress at UFO hearings. Grush stated under oath that he is absolutely confident that the US federal government has data on unidentified aerial phenomena. The former intelligence official also claimed that he spoke with people who investigated the crash sites of anomalous objects and recovered “non-human biological substances.”

“We are not alone” was a phrase that was repeated in the Mexican Congress last Tuesday during a public hearing that brought together researchers of these observations from several countries. These strange phenomena have been very fashionable lately, notes El Pais. Pilots and air traffic controllers who call themselves “privileged witnesses,” as well as astronomers from universities such as Harvard and experts and politicians from Japan, Argentina, France, Brazil and Peru, testified. They highlighted the “frustration, harassment and threats” received by those who dare to report unexplained phenomena in the air or on the surface of the sea.

At Tuesday’s hearing in the FANI case, a Spanish acronym commonly used to refer to unidentified anomalous phenomena known in English as UAP, Mexican politicians were shown two artifacts that Mexican journalist and longtime UFO enthusiast Jaime Maussan claims are alien corpses.

The remains of supposedly “non-human” creatures were on display during a briefing on unidentified flying objects at the San Lazaro legislative palace in Mexico City.

According to Maussan, these samples were not associated with any form of life on Earth.

“These are non-human beings who are not part of our earthly evolution,” he said under oath, accompanied by a sign language interpreter. The journalist claims that almost a third of their DNA is of “unknown” origin: “They are not creatures found after a UFO crash. Instead, they were found in diatom mines and subsequently turned into fossils.”

The diatoms in question are a type of algae that do not allow the growth of bacteria or fungi, allowing the ancient remains to survive.

“We are not talking about mummies, but about bodies that are whole, complete, inside of which there has been no manipulation and in which there are a number of elements that make them truly unusual,” said the ufologist. “There is a clear demonstration that we are dealing with non-human specimens that are not related to any other species in our world, and that all possibilities are open for any scientific institution to study them, and any DNA specialist can access information and study it yourself.”

Another discovery that adds to the mystery are cadmium and osmium implants, which are now used for telecommunications and satellites. On top of this, mummies’ fingerprints are not rounded, but consist of straight horizontal lines. “Whether they are aliens or not, we don’t know. But they were reasonable and lived with us. This should be enough to rewrite the whole history,” Maussan concluded.

José de Jesus Zalce Benítez, director of the Mexican Navy’s Health Science Institute, presented members of Congress with photographs of the bodies and said they had retractable necks, large brains, missing teeth, and large eyes capable of “wide stereoscopic vision.”

The two tiny “bodies” displayed in display cases have three fingers on each hand and elongated heads. Maussan said that they were discovered in Peru near the ancient Nazca geoglyph lines in 2017. The enthusiast claims that these remains are about 1,000 years old – according to him, this was determined using radiocarbon dating by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). And X-rays, the ufologist claims, showed that there were “eggs” inside one of the mummies.

The researchers, however, distanced themselves from the findings of Jaime Maussan, writes The New York Times. Similar finds in the past turned out to be the remains of mummified children, Reuters adds skeptically about this.

Jaime Maussan, in his speech, cited several key figures that, in his opinion, prevent us from denying extraterrestrial life, its intelligence and possible interest in our planet: “There are trillions of galaxies in the Universe, and each of them has 100 billion stars. Each of them has at least one planet. So we’re talking about 100 sextillion planets. We must have the courage to admit that intelligent life is visiting us from the depths of the Universe. We are not alone – we must move towards a goal that will take us into the depths of space.”

According to The New York Times, Jaime Maussan lives in Mexico and is well known for making such claims, making “pseudoscience” on television and YouTube, and selling his own line of dietary supplements. His speech drew attention to growing interest in Mexico in the possibility of extraterrestrial life, which some say is the result of efforts by US authorities to lift the veil of secrecy in government programs studying unexplained phenomena.

Maussan was not the only speaker at the unusual hearing. Among those speaking before Mexico’s Congress was American former naval aviator Ryan Graves, who described a close encounter with what appeared to be a floating sphere containing a cube. Graves, who similarly testified before the U.S. Congress this year, told Mexican lawmakers that such meetings were “grossly under-reported.”

In a statement after speaking to Mexico’s Congress, he criticized the event. “My testimony was focused on sharing my experience,” Ryan Graves wrote on social media site X (formerly Twitter). “But I am deeply disappointed by this unfounded stunt.”

Jaime Maussan was invited to the hearing by Mexican lawmaker Sergio Gutierrez Luna, who said he was interested in hearing different points of view on a topic of broad interest.

“What we did here was an exercise in listening,” Luna, a spokesman for the ruling Morena party, told reporters after the presentation. “The study of subjects, whatever they may be, is carried out by seeking opposing opinions.”

Regardless, Maussan’s presentation stunned many in Mexico’s scientific community. After the images of the mummies emerged, the Institute of Physics of the National Autonomous University of Mexico issued a statement clarifying that its researchers never examined the samples themselves, but simply carried out carbon dating in 2017 on skin samples provided by a client.

The university laboratory that conducted the testing “dissociates itself from any use, interpretation or subsequent misrepresentation of the results it provides,” the institute said. “We are in no way making any conclusions about the origin of these samples.”

Likewise, Antigone Segura, one of Mexico’s leading astrobiologists, questioned Jaime Maussan’s claims. “These conclusions are simply not supported by the evidence,” said Dr. Segura, who is collaborating with Nexus for Exoplanet System Science, a NASA initiative to search for life on distant planets. “This is all very shameful.”

It remains unclear how Jaime Maussan brought the mummified specimens to Mexico from Peru, whether they actually “originally” came from Peru, and whether his specimens are reproductions and distinct from other mummified remains previously thought to be extraterrestrial that are still in Peru.

But Peruvian news reports suggest that Maussan learned about some of the mummies in 2017 from a Peruvian tomb robber. Analysis of the samples in question in Peru showed they were made using a combination of human and animal bones, plant fibers and synthetic adhesives.

Another analysis in 2021 found that the head of one of the specimens was a damaged llama skull. Refuting the claim that the mummies were aliens, the researchers expressed surprise that the specimens were made centuries ago and turned out to be “very high quality designs.”

A journalism student at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and the University of Miami in Ohio, Jaime Maussan has worked as a reporter for various newspapers and broadcasters since 1970, including El Sol de México, XEX Radio and Televisa, and he worked for the news outlet 24 Horas.

In June 1990, he received the Global 500 Award from the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme.

In 1991, Jaime Maussan broke records on Mexican television with the program “So, What’s Your Opinion?” more than 11 and a half hours of audio recording on the topic of UFOs.

In June 2017, Maussan participated in the analysis of 5 mummies discovered in Peru in the region where the Nazca Lines UNESCO World Heritage Site is located. Images of these findings were originally shown in a documentary – which showed the crumpled, mummified body of a humanoid figure with an elongated skull and three fingers on each hand and foot. However, this “alien” discovery was later refuted. It was claimed that the mummified corpse belonged to a human child.

According to Forbes, a 2017 video report in which Maussan participated, which showed alleged non-human remains, was published by the website Gaia.com, which charges $99 a year for videos on paranormal and supernatural topics, including alien abductions. The website is owned by alternative video platform Gaia Inc. – companies with a market capitalization of $52 million. The bodies in the Gaia video report are much larger than those presented to the Mexican Congress on Tuesday, although all the bodies have some similarities, including three-fingered hands and elongated heads. In 2010, Maussan hosted his own TV show, and by 2019, he was the subject of a film called “The Maussan UFO Files,” a one-hour documentary that chronicled his search for “the most controversial UFO events” in Mexican history. Maussan also has a channel on YouTube, Maussan TV, with almost 1 million subscribers.

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