Insfrán’s electoral despotism

by time news

2023-05-24 05:16:00

The barrage of insults and rigged justifications of the governor of Formosa, Gildo Insfranto continue staying in power has a very clear explanation, typical of feudal lords: they go for everything in order to perpetuate themselveswhich includes will-buying, attacks on the opposition and the independent media, intimidation and subjugation of judges and prosecutors, nepotism, falsification of data and the aggravation of a brutal and unacceptable contempt for the law.

Insfran has said that “If the Court does what the opposition beggars ask for, it would directly erase federalism”. This was expressed regarding the pronouncement that is expected from the highest court in the country on whether he legally corresponds to the current governor, who He has been in office for 28 uninterrupted years, can aspire to compete for a new term in the provincial elections on the 25th of next month. An aberration worthy of a caudillo with ample evidence of a despot, who rudely pretends to ignore that the Court is the last guarantee and interpreter of the Constitution and that the alternation in the exercise of power is an essential characteristic of the republican democratic system. This government regime governs both the Nation and the provinces, according to the national Constitution itself.

Insfrán’s onslaught for being empowered to attempt an eighth consecutive term is part of the series of disastrous strategies of provincial leaders who see the law as an enemy and transparency as an obstacle to continue dominating the citizens of their provinces, mostly tied to the vile dependence on state perks

Regarding the Court, Insfrán has also complained that those who will decide on the judicial presentations that put their desires for absolute power in suspense –the members of the court– are precisely immovable ministers, who last in their positions until 75 years, unless they demonstrate bad behavior. It will be necessary to explain to the governor of Formosa that what bothers him so much is stipulated in the same law of laws: the Constitution, reformed in a convention carried out in 1994, in an absolutely representative and federal way, of which he himself was part as a conventional. It is unfortunate how a vast sector of nefarious characters, among whom Insfrán stands out, intends to continue manipulating the truth for their own benefit..

The moral and educational character of the Formoseño governor is not new. The same person who not long ago said that the porteños are “some reverend sons of his mother” is the one who is now back on the charge vociferating that from the Federal Capital they want to impose who is going to be the governor of their province.

Hurried as he is to secure his eighth consecutive term, He already managed to get the obedient Justice of his province to enable him to continue “reigning” in his fief. And he has also been boasting for his benefit, of the clear and professional opinion of the Attorney General of the Nation, Eduardo Casal, who has said that, although the case raised by the plaintiffs from Formosa to object to their perpetuity “is beyond the knowledge of the court”, if their ministers consider it, “They could decide on the procedural intervention they deem appropriate..

The single paper ballot should have been sanctioned long ago, an absolutely necessary instrument to make the elections transparent and avoid abuses such as those that are registered election after election

As is known – and as Insfrán should know – the opinions of the Attorney General are requested by the Court, but they are not binding on its decisions. They represent a recommendation that the court may or may not adopt taking into account the other issues at stake.

Surely, Insfrán and his retinue of clerks inside and outside Formosa they fear that the Court will rule as in the cases of Tucuman y San Juanby recently suspending the gubernatorial elections, in which respectively they intended to run Juan Manzur y Sergio Unac. The Court based its ruling without going into the merits of the matter, but with the conviction that what both wanted “could be contrary to the periodicity in functions required by the republican form of government established by the National Constitution and that the provinces They must repect”.

The Constitution of Formosa, in its article 132, provides that “the governor and the lieutenant governor will last four years in the exercise of their positions and may be reelected.” It is no coincidence that this text was introduced at the request of Insfrán himself, by modifying a previous provision that had existed since 1991, which held that both the governor and the lieutenant governor could be re-elected “for a new current term” and that, if they had already been been or if they had succeeded each other, they could not re-present themselves for either position until a term of office had elapsed. Something that Insfrán considered unacceptable in his career to be perpetuated.

It is clear that There was not and is not the will of the provincial ruling party to respect the alternation demanded by the national Constitution. And it is also very clearly exposed that this is the claim that opposition leaders make to the provincial president. Strictly speaking, there are many more factors that have been deteriorating the institutional quality in that and many other jurisdictions where a certain leadership does the unspeakable to cling to power.

In an excellent opinion column recently published by the constitutionalist Daniel Sabsay, exposed, among these disastrous electoral tricks, the tendencies to modify the legal framework that regulates the elections shortly before each election; hinder –when not pulverize– the control of elections using real mafias that impede the work of prosecutors, physically and verbally attacking them; to confuse the voter with a huge number of ballots that are displayed in the dark room, or promoting the so wasteful and inequitable law of slogans, which disorients voters in favor of the ruling party.

It is long overdue to have sanctioned the single paper ballot, an absolutely necessary instrument to put an end to all these abuses. Precisely, those who have always opposed it have been those who prefer cheating to transparency, manipulation to the free will of the voters.

It is to be hoped that Justice will act accordingly, that no more time is wasted in making transparent an obsolete system that has long demonstrated its inefficiency and, fundamentally, that as a society we understand that it is necessary to delve into these issues in order to fully exercise our rights. Voting is much more than putting a ballot in a ballot box or marking an option on a machine: it is defining our future and that of the next generations..


Conocé The Trust Project

#Insfráns #electoral #despotism

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