Institute for Human Rights Survey: Swedish Public’s Knowledge and Experiences of Human Rights 2022-2023

by time news

Institute for Human Rights Releases First Survey on Swedish People’s Knowledge and Experiences of Human Rights

The Institute for Human Rights, established on 1 January last year, recently published a survey detailing the Swedish people’s knowledge of and experiences with human rights in the years 2022-2023. This is the first survey of its kind conducted by the newly established institute, marking an important milestone in their independent mandate to review Sweden’s adherence to human rights commitments.

Fredrik Malmberg, the director of the Institute for Human Rights, emphasized the significance of the survey’s findings. “An important thing that also emerged in the survey we have now presented is the need for more knowledge,” said Malmberg. “Happily, we also see that the Swedish people are asking for it.”

The survey highlighted a pressing need for increased awareness and understanding of human rights among both decision-makers and the general public. According to Malmberg, decision-makers must deepen their knowledge of the human rights to which Sweden has committed to complying. Simultaneously, the public should also strive to learn more about their rights and responsibilities.

“We all have a job to do there,” Malmberg concluded.

The release of the survey underscores the Institute for Human Rights’ commitment to promoting a culture of respect for human rights in Sweden. By shedding light on the current state of knowledge and awareness of human rights in the country, the survey sets the stage for informed discussions and targeted initiatives to bridge existing gaps. As the institute continues to fulfill its mandate, it is poised to play a pivotal role in advancing human rights education and advocacy throughout Sweden.

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