Insurance for refrigerated trucks, aspects to take into account

by time news

2023-10-24 16:24:36

The tremendous story of Ramón, an independent trucker from Florida, can be an example to consider about the importance of having adequate insurance for refrigerated trucks.

One day, while transporting a valuable load of onions, which required that it be kept at a constant temperature between 45 and 65 degrees, Ramón suffered a breakdown on the road.

The temperature on those roads of God, under a scorching sun, exceeded 95 degrees Fahrenheit. No matter how much Ramón begged, help did not arrive until after four hours. Unfortunately, the cargo was damaged, and with it, a very valuable investment.

Read more: Even the king of the road has a bad day

For refrigerated cargo carriers, insurance is a critical component of their business. Here are some key aspects to consider if you dedicate yourself to this type of transportation:

Specific coverage for trucks

Make sure your policy includes specific coverage for refrigerated trucks. This usually covers damage to cargo due to failures in refrigeration equipment or uncontrollable temperature changes.

Load Value

Determine the real value of the cargo you transport. Make sure your insurance policy adequately reflects this value, as losses can be costly.

Equipment Maintenance

Proper maintenance of the cooling system is essential. Insurers may be reluctant to pay if it is proven that the breakdown was the result of lack of maintenance.

Loss of Income Coverage

Consider including coverage for loss of income. This will protect you in case a prolonged breakdown prevents you from delivering and generating income.

Truck Policy Update

You should make sure you keep your policy up to date. In Ramón’s case, he did not update his policy and suffered serious losses. Maintain constant communication with your insurance agent to adjust your coverage based on the changing needs of your business.

Road safety

Comply with all road safety regulations, as compliance with regulations can influence insurers’ determination of whether or not to pay in the event of an incident.

If you are a refrigerated cargo carrier, contact Univista Insurance and you will be able to be advised in case of any eventuality. Plus, you’ll have the right insurance that will not only protect your cargo, but also your livelihood. By taking these tips into account, you can ensure that your business continues to run smoothly, even on the hottest days.

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