International Day of Democracy: the OIF in support (…) – Gabonews

by time news

2023-09-17 22:18:20

International Day of Democracy: the OIF in support of French-speaking civil society for the promotion of democracy

September 17, 2023

The International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF) organized, in Switzerland, from September 10 to 15, 2023, a mission to share experiences and build capacities between French-speaking actors engaged in issues of democracy and participation of women and young people into political life.

This mission, which mobilized civil society leaders from several French-speaking countries, notably Chad, Gabon, Tunisia, Lebanon and Madagascar, made it possible to become aware of the work carried out by Swiss civil society organizations, in the framework for promoting democracy and the political engagement of young people and women, in order to draw inspiration from good practices.

The mission was also an opportunity to immerse oneself in the Swiss political model, based essentially on inclusive governance which places citizen participation and consensus at the center of political decision-making. “ We come out of this mission with several ideas, in terms of good practices to be implemented in our respective countries, in the context of the promotion of democracy and the political participation of young people and women. » declared Ms. Sana Ghenima, president of the Women and Leadership Association in Tunisia.

Regarding good practices, “ collaboration and proximity between civil society organizations and political authorities at the cantonal and federal level constitute practices favorable to democracy and citizen participation » added Ms. Estelle Andriamasy, President of the National Council of Women of Madagascar. “ The Swiss model clearly shows us that the vitality of democracy depends on the commitment of different stakeholders, notably the Government, parliament, citizens, churches, universities, civil society organizations, etc. everyone plays their part so that this democracy is truly effective. Which is not often the case in our countries » commented Jerry Bibang, Coordinator of the Citizen Movement for Good Governance in Gabon (MCB2G) and permanent secretary of the Pan-African Youth Network for the Culture of Peace (PAYNCOP).

Opinions unanimously shared by Ms. Monique Ngaralbaye and Nada Saleh, respectively president of the coalition of Chadian women mediators for lasting peace and of the NGO Madanyat of Lebanon.

In order to better capitalize on this experience and for a pooling of resources and skills between actors in French-speaking civil society, all the associative leaders who took part in this mission unanimously decided to create a platform of societal organizations. French-speaking civil society, engaged in the promotion of democracy and the political participation of young people and women, with the support of the International Organization of the Francophonie.


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