International Day of Human Solidarity 2023

by time news

2023-12-16 10:20:39

On December 20 we celebrate the International Day of Human Solidarity, to promote and strengthen the idea of ​​solidarity as a fundamental value in international relations between people, countries and communities.

Solidarity is one of the fundamental and universal values ​​on which relations between peoples should be based today. For that reason, the United Nations General Assembly decided to proclaim December 20 of each year International Day of Human Solidarityin its Resolution 60/209 (PDF) on December 22, 2005.

In the Millennium Declaration Solidarity stands out as an essential value for international relations in the 21st century. This value is considered crucial to ensure that those who suffer or have fewer resources can benefit from the help provided by those who are better off.

In the midst of globalization and the growing problem of inequality, strengthening international solidarity is presented as an imperative need. This proclamation is accompanied by concrete initiatives, such as the creation of the World Solidarity Fund for the eradication of poverty, aimed at highlighting the importance of solidarity in the fight against poverty and involving all relevant stakeholders.

The purpose of solidarity

International solidarity represents a spirit of union between individuals, communities, civil society actors, companies, states and international organizations. Its objective is to promote a connected multilateralism that fosters social cohesion and trust.

The principle of international solidarity reflects the awareness of the interconnection between peoples and generations. It is based on recognition of the rights of others, sharing the responsibility to cooperate to address common challenges and protect global public goods.

The general purpose of international solidarity is to create an environment conducive to:

Enable civil society to express empathy on behalf of vulnerable people in other countries who may be excluded from participating in discussions about their human rights due to oppression, marginalization and exclusion. Foster trust and mutual respect between states and non-state actors to advance peace, security, sustainable development and human rights. Promote a social and international order where all human rights and fundamental freedoms can be fully realized. Prevent and eliminate the causes of irregularities and inequalities between and within states, as well as overcome the structural obstacles that generate and perpetuate poverty and inequality worldwide.

The figure of the independent international expert

The United Nations Commission on Human Rights, predecessor of the Human Rights Council, established the existence of an Independent Expert on Human Rights and International Solidarity in 2005. The current holder is Cecilia M. Bailliet, who assumed her duties as Independent Expert on human rights and international solidarity on November 1, 2023. Ms. Bailliet is a Doctor of Law Professor, director of the Master’s Program in International Law at the University of Oslo, Norway. She was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She holds a joint JD/MA (with honors) degree from George Washington University Law School and the Elliott School of International Affairs (USA). She earned her doctorate in law from the University of Oslo, Norway.

Main priorities to address from solidarity

The latest report carried out in July 2023 by the independent expert highlighted several critical issues that are vital to take into account today:

Migration, refugees and international solidarity. The equitable distribution of responsibilities in the protection of refugees is especially important. The reports highlight the pressing need to understand and strengthen international solidarity based on human rights as a key element in addressing migration challenges and the protection of those seeking refuge, proposing reforms for a more equitable and humane global regime in the protection of the fundamental rights of refugees. Populism and the threat to international solidarity. Populism represents a great threat to the principle of international solidarity and its impact on human rights, especially for vulnerable groups such as migrants, refugees, people of African descent, ethnic and religious minorities, women, girls and LGBTQI+ people. The rise of this phenomenon has a negative effect on international solidarity based on human rights. States, political leaders, media and civil society have their share of responsibility in counteracting this trend. The COVID-19 pandemic and access to vaccines. The serious global socioeconomic difficulties caused by the disease and the measures adopted to control it affected the human rights to health, life, education and food, among others. International cooperation is vital to guarantee social and economic rights. The pandemic highlighted inequalities in access to vaccines, hoarding by some states and misinformation. Climate change and international solidarity. Addressing this issue is urgent given the tragic impacts of climate change and record greenhouse gas emissions. The implementation of the Paris Agreement and the just transition towards sustainable systems should be supported from a human rights perspective. Economic insecurity. Economic security, intrinsically linked to human rights, is affected by factors such as globalization, interconnected supply chains and evolving labor patterns. Additional factors such as plummeting oil prices, precarious employment, and the pandemic contribute to economic insecurity. In this context, significantly higher levels of international solidarity and cooperation are necessary to address vulnerability and ensure the enjoyment of human rights, especially those related to an adequate standard of living and the right to work. International solidarity and extraterritorial application of human rights. It is critically important to consider human rights obligations beyond national borders, requiring a global and coordinated approach to ensure the full realization of human rights around the world.

Building a more supportive and fair world

As we commemorate Human Solidarity Day, we reaffirm our continued commitment. This celebration is not ephemeral; is a constant reminder of our responsibility, both individually and collectively, in building stronger and more supportive communities. Acting together, we can overcome global crises, advocate for social justice, and ultimately forge a world where empathy is the driving force toward a more humane future. Sustained action over time thus becomes the master key to achieving significant and lasting change. On this day and in the days to come, we renew our commitment to work together to build a world where human solidarity is the guide that illuminates our path towards a shared and equitable future.

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