international justice is organized, limited gains from the counter-offensive

by time news

2023-07-03 10:41:13

►An international prosecution to investigate the Russian invasion

An international office responsible for investigating the Russian invasion of Ukraine opened on Monday (July 3) in The Hague (Netherlands). The International Center for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine (ICPA) brings together prosecutors from kyiv, the European Union, the United States and the International Criminal Court (ICC).

The opening of this new international prosecutor’s office aims to keep the leaders of Moscow ” responsible “ of the war crime of aggression in connection with the invasion of Ukraine, Ukrainian Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin said on Monday. It is “a clear signal that the world is united and unyielding when it comes to holding the Russian regime accountable for all its crimes. »

The ICPA could be a first step before the establishment of a special court to try the most senior Russian officials for the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, a request from kyiv.

►Ukraine says it liberated 37 square kilometers in a week

The Ukrainian army has recaptured 37 square kilometers in the east and south of the country from Russian forces in a week, as part of its counter-offensive in these areas, the Deputy Minister of Defense said on Monday. defense Hanna Maliar.

In the south, “the liberated territories have increased by 28.4 square kilometers”, bringing to 158 km2 the total area recovered in this area since the launch of the counter-offensive in early June, said Hanna Maliar. In the east, kyiv’s gains only reached 9 km2, she said.

The day before, Ukraine had admitted that Russian forces were advancing in four areas of the eastern front line, where “fierce fighting”.

►Moscow says it foiled Ukrainian assassination attempt on Crimean leader

The Russian security services (FSB) said on Monday that they had foiled an assassination attempt on the leader installed by Moscow in Crimea, a Ukrainian peninsula annexed in 2014, accusing Kiev of wanting to plant a bomb in his car.

“An attempt to assassinate the leader of Crimea Sergei Aksionov organized by the Ukrainian special services has been foiled”, the FSB said. A man has been arrested as part of the investigation.

►No new mobilization in Russia after the Wagner rebellion

A senior Russian parliamentary official dismissed on Monday the idea of ​​a new mobilization to replace members of the paramilitary group Wagner who are no longer fighting in Ukraine.

“The President of the Russian Federation (Vladimir Poutine) clearly, comprehensibly and specifically, said that there would be no further mobilization”said Andrei Kartapolov, head of the defense committee of the Duma, the lower house of the Russian parliament.

According to the former military commander, “there is no threat at all of diminished combat potential” in the medium and long term, and Moscow has manpower within the Russian armed forces to replace them, he explained.

►Russian public TV accuses Prigojine of having “lost the ball” because of the money

Russian state television on Sunday accused Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin of having “lost the ball” after receiving billions in public money, illustrating the new narrative of power over the paramilitary group, since its abortive mutiny.

“Prigozhin lost his mind over large sums of money”said Dmitri Kissiliov, one of the main voices of the Kremlin media apparatus, during his weekly program. “He believed he could oppose both the Russian Ministry of Defense, the state and the president himself,” launched Dmitri Kissiliov.

To illustrate this supposed delusion of grandeur by Yevgeny Prigojine, the presenter assured, without providing evidence, that the Wagner military company had received 858 billion rubles (8.8 billion euros) of public money.

#international #justice #organized #limited #gains #counteroffensive

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