“Intramuscular Monoclonals Coming for Home Care”

by time news

“The release of intramuscular injectable monoclonals is imminent, in order to facilitate home care as well. The proximity between the territory and the hospital is in fact the real key to making the best use of the resource of monoclonal antibodies”. This was stated by Giorgio Palù, virologist and president of the Italian Medicines Agency (Aifa), during the opening of the congress works of the eighth edition of ‘FarmacistaPiù’, the congress of Italian pharmacists, running until Sunday.

On monoclonal drugs Palù stressed that “their use” is not “so frequent for logistical reasons, because, like all antivirals, among other things they should be administered within 48-72 hours from the onset of symptoms, while usually they are prescribed after other treatments that are perhaps less effective and are used only in hospital and intravenously “.

The president of Aifa – who gave a real lecture on drugs and their complex mechanisms of action – highlighted how the pandemic has “taught us that we need drugs”, but also how pharmacological research is “much more difficult and time-consuming “to arrive at anti-Covid medicines than the less complex, but therefore no less safe or effective, vaccines.

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