‘Invasion’ has potential but needs to be further exploited

by time news

2023-08-18 19:08:02

By Samuel M.

Posted: August 18, 2023

The new season of Overwatch 2described by its developers as the most ambitious of all, finally presented its story mode known as ‘Invasion‘, one of the ways that had been requested since the first installment and that has been slow to see the light. Of course, there is a lot to talk about, especially since we are not only facing an important start for the game, but also because of the additions that have been made as the Peruvian heroine: Years.

The cover letter of ‘Invasion’ takes us to what has been told in various advances, Null Sector is invading the world under the leadership of Ramattrawho tired of seeing how his peers were subjugated by humans, decided to leave peace behind, to declare war.

It is then that a new Overwatch team is formed illegally, since the UN dismantled them after the Omnic Crisis. With Winston at the helm, the group is made up of characters like Tracer, Brigitte, Reinhardt, Echo, Mei; who will meet other heroes while traveling to different countries.

The story, as other video games do, is presented through very well-achieved cinematics, with a cinematographic level that is at the level of the animated shorts that were published from time to time presenting the characters. The more you see it, you wish Blizzard would take the initiative to create an animated series.

The first stop in story mode is Rio de janeiro Brazil. Said scenario was one of those that had been seen before, so the opportunity to enjoy it had finally come. In addition to being able to meet Lucio, they will give you a choice of the characters that are available for that mission. Although they don’t tell you, you should carefully consider which one to choose, because if you don’t have someone who dominates the tank, in this case Reinhardt, you probably won’t count it.

When you’re ready, both you and three other people (which can be friends, strangers, or even bots) must move across the map. The gameplay remains intact from what we know of PvP, while the Rio de Janeiro setting varies a bit to give context to the Null Sector invasion.

Both the first and the rest of the missions in Canada y gothenburg (3 in total) are direct, since you must go to specific points, defend your position, and deal with waves of enemies that vary from the most basic that attack you from the front, flying, tanks, as well as an omnic that can attract you to take you down with one blow.

I like that at all times it feels necessary to work as a team, and it is not worth going straight into the action. The one who is the healer must keep an eye out that his allies are not in low health, while the DPS must take advantage of taking distance or finding a way to surprise the enemy robots. Of course the main defense is the tank, who is the one who will withstand the bullets and many times will serve to break through.

The world of Overwatch is enriched thanks to the dialogues between the characters, beyond the cinematics, showing us that Blizzard does not lose its touch in giving us charismatic people, each with their own ideals.

Depending on the difficulty, the missions can become a bit more complicated. Of course, you will only have few opportunities, so if you end up losing often (playing on difficult you have 3 chances) the mission will be completely restarted. The ideal is to play with friends, and although I applaud the incorporation of bots, many times they do not have the best reactions, and they even end up harming you to the point of leading you to defeat.

The duration of the missions have an approximate duration of twenty to thirty minutes. Yes, they come to feel short, especially if we take into account that only three missions are available, and we will have to wait until next year. I’m sorry that the famous skill tree that was going to give him more did not end up arriving replayability.

Is the $15 price tag for Overwatch 2: Invasion controversial?

Blizzard has not escaped user questions regarding the price of story mode. From my point of view, I can understand that paying for three missions may not be the best hook, but I think that ‘Invasion’ is still an option that Overwatch 2 gives you.

What I’m getting at is that the main base of the game is its multiplayer, so you have the alternative of being interested in exploring the world behind it by checking out. If I let go’Invasion‘, Overwatch 2 would continue to be enjoyed due to other premium content such as its battle pass or the heroes that are added each season, also adding the new game mode called ‘Flashpoint‘, which is quite reminiscent of the modality of Call of Duty to take different points.

getting ‘exquisite‘, if it is convenient to buy the ‘Invasion’ package, because in addition to the missions, they give you 1000 coins that will help you save them and buy the next battle pass. Of course, it all depends on how many hours you put into Overwatch 2.

Illari: The new Peruvian heroine

Peru can celebrate with the incorporation of Years, a new support heroine, who has come up with a design honoring the ancient customs of our country. Using her powers thanks to the energy of the sun, this new character feels very good within the team.

At the time of writing these lines, the character is not yet available in competitive, so it can only be played in matches’casual‘ or mode ‘arcade‘. We are facing a healer who, like characters like Moira, serves a lot to provide the necessary support between withdrawing enemies and healing allies.

one of his skills It consists of launching a device that can stick to any surface and it will heal. Of course, it can be destroyed if an enemy sees it. This ability helps a lot when we must maintain the position at one point, or if we want to hold while moving the load.

On the other hand we have arma that can be charged up to launch a powerful shot that significantly lowers the health of enemies. It’s pretty reminiscent of waiting for Widowmaker’s scope to fully charge and deploying a killshot. The cure is done with the right click (in the PC version) but you have to reload every so often, so you must be aware of who or who urgently needs to be healed. You already know that the priorities will often be the tanks.

Its maximum ability is the one that has stolen the limelight as we see it rise and shoot a kind of spheres of energy that will explode, being able to eliminate enemies instantly if they have low health or if they start to receive shots from Illari like the rest of the team. equipment. Blizzard already said that this will be modified when it reaches competitive.

Among other details we find that Illari is interpreted by the Peruvian singer known as ‘ANDRE‘, both in English and in the Latin American dubbing. A wonderful detail since they got the character to have the voice of someone from his country of origin.

New game mode: ‘Flashpoint’

We mentioned it briefly lines above. ‘Flashpoint‘ is a new game mode that has been incorporated into this new season. It consists of much larger scenarios than the classic maps, where we will have to move through different points that will appear.

Although at first it may feel ‘heavy’ to be going to places, this modality can easily become one of my favorites since it becomes gratifying to be able to strategically defend the point when you have taken it, or have tense situations when it comes to fighting against the enemy team. There are three points that must be taken, the first to achieve it takes the victory.

At the moment we only have two scenarios: New Junk City y Suravasa. Both are very well built, with a lot of details in each corridor or open places that we will move around. If you like sniper or hitscan characters, this mode will be a party for you.


Overwatch 2 once again it has a fresh breath with this new season that demonstrates, once again, the enormous potential it has as a video game in regards to its world/characters, such as multiplayer. Perhaps it would have been nice to find more story missions, but thanks to the new arrivals (Illari and the new game mode) they complement well an experience that is up to what Blizzard always characterizes: create good games.

#Invasion #potential #exploited

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